Category: Christian Crossroads Christian Crossroads
Published: 01 April 2019 01 April 2019

No, I don’t believe He does. I believe He has a purpose for your life.

A plan is a detailed set of steps to be taken and worked out beforehand with a goal in mind. A purpose is a striving to reach that goal. A plan is an itemized list. A purpose is endeavoring to attain an objective. In football, a coach can come up with any number of plans to score a touchdown, but his purpose is to win the game.

God discloses His purpose for Christians in the Book of Mark. We are to tell the world about the gospel of Jesus Christ -- that God sent His only Son into the world to take the punishment for our sin and that whoever believes on Jesus will have eternal life. That is God’s purpose for us. The plan we use to fulfill that purpose is left to us.

It’s possible God could lay out each separate step for us to achieve God’s purpose, after all, Matthew tells us with God all things are possible. But, God has given us the ability to make choices, and if we have God’s purpose in mind, the steps we take to achieve that purpose – our plan -- can set off in one of many directions.

Jesus, in Mark, tells us His purpose for coming was to tell the world about Himself. Our purpose is the same as His.