Category: Immigration Matters Immigration Matters
Published: 02 May 2019 02 May 2019 

Based on my experience, I believe what we have been experiencing since summer of 2014, and especially in the era of the caravans and refugee resettlement, is asymmetrical warfare waged against the United States with the United States Government facilitating the invasion.  Most likely in the exchange of money and power at the national political level in the United States and facilitated by the mainstream media.

No new laws were or are needed.  Border Patrol Agents and Immigration Inspectors are already Immigration Officers.  The critical element that absolutely must take place is providing the world with the powerful “VISUAL” affirmation that the U.S. Border is closed to invasion.

Like it or not there is only one way to do that and we have to get it right this time.  WE HAVE TO ENFORCE THE IMMIGRATION LAW AS WRITTEN, at the border and in the interior. 

Yes, I know Health and Human Services if feeding millions upon millions of dollars into refugee resettlement contractors and the plan is that none of the 12-17 year old caravan males will never leave the United States and that taxpayer money is designed to keep the refugee resettlement scam from sinking financially.  It and the UN High Commission on Refugees have been central in injecting Americas enemies into the United States for years.  That must be stopped and reversed.  People that did not meet the criteria of a refugee when sent to the U.S. have to go back to the country they resided in when placed in the U.S., which in most cases was not their home country.  Enough of bringing in people that either cannot or will not assimilate into American Culture.  That must be reversed.  America’s homeless need those rooms.

For the “VISUAL”, send them home in U.S. Military Marked Aircraft.  Show them loaded in the U.S. and off loaded in their home or destination country and play that clip over and over again to reinforce the “VISUAL” that the U.S. Border is closed.  Anything less is a waste of time and money.  The people we have to reach deal in the visual, the spoken or written word is ineffective.  If Cuba doesn’t want to behave, push their illegal criminals through the back gate at Guantanamo Bay.  The world needs to understand the meaning of NO visually.  

Zack Taylor, Chairman

Agents already had the authority and the procedure.  It was the administrations that intentionally failed to implement the known strategy and the Inspector General needs to get to the bottom of that scheme.