Category: Immigration Matters Immigration Matters
Published: 21 June 2018 21 June 2018 

Separation of children of illegal immigrants has taken center stage in the national debate. The left has attempted to pull on heartstrings and make this practice out to be unfit and cruel. Those on the right have argued that if you want the practice to end then existing law must be changed.

Two “Angel Moms” of Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens added their perspective recently and it’s nothing short of amazing. Needless to say, they’re not happy with how the debate is being portrayed.

Check out this response as recorded by the Daily Caller:

“There is hypocrisy in many ways. The total disregard for American families ripped apart because of illegal criminals, the total lack of concern for children in the U.S. being raped in North Carolina by illegals at disgusting numbers (some months over 400 child rapes by illegals), no concern [for] homeless American children or Veterans who would do anything to have what’s provided [to] these children. Yet, our politicians call it inhumane treatment. Would they rather these kids coming across our borders stay with the adults who aren’t their biological parents but have kidnapped them to get across the border as a ‘family unit?’” Mary Ann Mendoza told TheDC.

“It’s all about sensational headlines,” she also told this reporter. “They have no real concern for these kids. It’s just another way to make this administration look bad.”

“Worse things happened to these kids was Obama was president and [the media] was crickets. In closing, the fact that my son was collateral damage and totally disregarded to support their agenda is hypocrisy at its best. My dead son, a fellow American, is nothing to them! This isn’t worth their time because it would disprove their theory that we need illegal aliens here and we don’t need a border wall,” she added.

Another Angel Mom, Sabine Durden, spoke out as well. Her son was killed in a motorcycle accident when struck by an illegal alien. Durden said:

“The hypocrisy is astonishing. The MSM has ignored many of us victims of illegal alien crime for so long. They avoid us like pests. If it weren’t for President Trump, no one would even know much about us. He gave my son a voice that was taken by an illegal. And I’m forever thankful to him for that and for bringing the issue of illegal alien invasion to the forefront. It’s deeply hurtful to see how MSM now ‘cares’ so much for children separated from their parents while continuing to ignore thousands of us separated by death, forever.”

“Not one of the Dems has reached out since they heard about my son’s death. Not one spoke publicly about American victims of illegals. Their fake grandstanding for children is for show and absent of compassion because they didn’t do any of this during Obama’s presidency. We have 1.6 million homeless children, inner cities destroyed and American children in need, homeless veterans and mentally ill people all on their own. No word about them from the left,” she continued.

“Yet they stumble over each other to get to a detention center with their camera crews behind them. They yell and show outrage over illegal aliens who placed themselves in this position. They call them immigrants, which is insulting to true immigrants like me,” she also told TheDC.

“They don’t go to jails and prisons where Americans who committed a crime are separated from their children. They didn’t go run and show outrage when Obama had illegal alien kids in cages. The Dems are losing their voting base and need illegals to fill those spots. They are willing to step over dead Americans to get their amnesty. They continue to put out the welcome mat for more illegals to come by creating Sanctuary cities and states,” she added.

That’s quite the powerful statement.