Category: Just Call Me MAM Just Call Me MAM
Published: 18 August 2023 18 August 2023

I'm sorry I missed this gorgeous sunset, while I was madly finished an article on Wednesday. Thankfully Susan Hicks didn't miss it. She sent me this photo yesterday of her lovely photo of another one of our awesome sunsets. 

sunset 81723 tyrone

I encourage each and every one of us to spend time outside enjoying all that nature offers us every day. Even during this heat, if you pay attention you can see even tiny little awesome natural events each day.

For instance, yesterday, just out our windows into our back yard, what should walk by, but a doe, a buck and two spotted fawns. What a treat! I don't think this was our mama from the fawn photo posted a few weeks ago, because I only saw one fawn that time.

Another thing I noticed on my daily walk yesterday morning, was a dry ravine, that obviously flows when we have rain, but still the beauty of the placing of the trees and rocks even without water caught my eye. 

This morning on my walk, I saw movement up the road from where I was walking. A doe grazed right beside the road on the meager tufts of grass that have come up this year. I walked by her, trying not to look at her, and she, who had moved away from the road, stayed still until I passed.

Again yesterday, when I headed out on my walk, it saddened that I caused a dozen or more Gambel's quail to fly up in a flurry when I closed the screen door. 

This morning while washing my breakfast dishes, I couldn't count the number of tiny bushtits that covered the suet feeder. It is impossible to count them as they fly in and out taking turns getting their tiny bit of suet for the day. I'm guessing at least 15-20 mobbed the feeder at a time.

I figure evaporation on these hot days causes the bird bath to deplete quickly and require refilling numerous times a day, but it nearly always has birds, a rabbit or two and the occasional deer drinking its life-giving water.

May your musings bring you beauty!