Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 24 August 2017 24 August 2017

Okay this is getting completely ridiculous now. ESPN announced that they were removing a play-by-play announcer from the Virginia football game that takes place in a couple of weeks. The only reason they are removing him is because of his name, Robert Lee. This Robert Lee is Asian. But because his name is so similar to the former Confederate General, Robert E Lee, they were worried that his name might cause problems. Initially this was reported in the press release from ESPN which made it sound like, that this was management's decision. As the decision has been ridiculed in the twitter world and other areas, ESPN has said that Robert Lee, the television announcer, approached them about the situation and they reached a mutual decision to reassign him.

This really has to stop. First of all it shows the ignorance of the masses in understanding what Robert E Lee stood for and what he stood against. I will say it again because some of you don't seem to get it, he was adamantly opposed to slavery and had spoken out against slavery before the war. He was also offered the commander in chief position of the Union Army because he was considered a brilliant military strategist and leader. But as was common in those days, people thought of themselves as citizens of their states probably more so than citizens of the United States. Robert E Lee declined the offer because his home state was seceding from the union and he owed loyalty to them. It also goes to show that the reasons for secession were multiple and slavery was a minor concern at the time.

So to say Robert E Lee's name is offensive because it represents slavery is absolutely wrong. The ignorance of people combined with their willingness to commit acts of violence as well as censorship by removing his statues and name and images, which will be shortly followed by removing him from history books, is leading to ridiculous actions like this.

And who is committing the violence? It was not the white supremacist or neo-Nazi group that demonstrated in Charlottesville a few weeks ago. It was the left wing, members of ANTIFA and/or Black Lives Matter. Why did they show up to demonstrate against the white supremacists carrying two by fours with nails embedded in them, covering their face with masks, wearing helmets to protect themselves, and apparently ready to commit violence? They even attacked people who were there spontaneously to demonstrate against the neo-Nazis but were not part of their group.

Quite simply people like George Soros are paying demonstrators to show up and commit acts of violence. To say that Robert Lee, the TV announcer, and ESPN were worried about white supremacists is wrong on their part. Their fear is misplaced. The white supremacists and neo-Nazis responded to being physically attacked by the counterdemonstrators. We have that on video as well as eyewitness reports from independent witnesses. We also have the history of groups like ANTIFA & BLM showing up in multiple places and committing acts of violence.

I heard someone say that white supremacist groups are becoming more active in America. That is not true. What is becoming more prevalent are the violent attacks and hateful rhetoric being spewed by left-wing groups. They show up everywhere ready to commit acts of violence and it's a rare occasion when they don't. Until we begin calling them out and demand that they be prosecuted along with people like George Soros who are paying them to engage in these violent acts it is only going to get worse. We have to demand that our political leaders, along with their friends in the media, open their eyes and tell it like it is. And if they don't we need to vote them out of office or quit buying their papers or watching their news broadcasts so that they lose and revenue. We have the power; we just haven't been using it and now we find ourselves in this situation.