Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 29 December 2017 29 December 2017

More proof that the swamp really does need to be drained. Robert Mueller’s committee has enlisted the assistance of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in investigating President Trump. Schneiderman hates Donald Trump and has for decades. He has talked about the 100 lawsuits he has filed against the administration this year alone. He is an avowed opponent of President Trump and has admitted that even if President Trump cured cancer he would be loath to give him credit. He has promised to fight President Trump at every turn to protect the people of New York and will likely file hundreds of more lawsuits. So he is just another of the myriad of people hired by Robert Mueller who hates Donald Trump and are working tirelessly to find something, anything, that could take down this administration.

We've said it before but we need to say it again; law enforcement officials need to be unbiased. Even though every one of them has political leanings, they must put those aside and investigate potential violations of the law without bias. I can only imagine how much screaming the liberals would be doing if conservatives were treating one of their idols in the same way.

But one of the reasons that Robert Mueller has enlisted the assistance of the New York Attorney General has to do with politics. You see the President has the Constitutional authority to pardon anyone that is accused of or convicted of committing a federal crime. However, they cannot pardon someone who is accused or convicted of committing a state or local crime. So what Mr. Mueller would like to do is get the New York Attorney General to do his dirty work. They want to find out if there’s a way to accuse anyone, including President Trump, of committing a state or local crime and thus preventing them from being pardoned. This gives them a little bit more leverage over the accused and in their mind might convince that person to turn on President Trump.

Look if you are investigating the potential commission of a crime that violates federal statutes, then do that. Your goal is to find out the truth and act accordingly. It is abundantly clear that Mr. Mueller and his committee have no desire to do that; rather they are there for one purpose and one purpose alone, that being to take down the current administration that was duly elected by the people of the United States.

The fact that President Trump hasn’t disbanded the Mueller committee is amazing. The fact that they haven’t found anything remotely proving the allegations made against President Trump, despite their ardent desire to do so, shows that nothing of significance happened between the Trump campaign and the Russians. It also proves that the swamp really does need to be drained, urgently and quickly.