Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 15 June 2018 15 June 2018

It just amazes me how shallow most liberals are when it comes to what or whom the support. We have heard forever that we must engage our enemies, get to know them, yeah and help them to understand that we mean no harm to them. The liberals believe that if we just got to know each other they would not want to harm us. So now president Trump has engaged Kim Jong Un "I'm in the first president to meet with a leader of North Korea since the end of the war." He came away with an agreement in writing that North Korea would completely scrap their nuclear weapons program as well as their missile program and if they do, we will cease conducting war games with South Korea and begin to remove sanctions which will allow North Korea to open their economy and markets to the rest of the world. Those on the left side of the aisle are apoplectic and calling this one of the worst deals ever.

Many on the left side of the aisle are saying that President Trump was duped and that Bowl Cut Jr. cannot be trusted to live up to his side of the agreement. Based upon history, that is true. The last three presidents all reached some sort of agreement with North Korea that required the hermit kingdom to scrap their nuclear weapons programs. Of course, the dictator in charge at the time went right on developing nuclear weapons while the U.S. built power plants, shipped them food and fuel (that was sold on the black market to line the pockets of the elite). The difference now is that North Korea must prove that they are dismantling their nuclear program BEFORE the U.S. is required to do anything. What a novel concept.

But back to the liberals. One other criticism leveled by Pelosi, Schumer, and their friends in the media is that Trump is ‘legitimizing’ a tyrant. A man that has continued to abuse his people in ways that we all find abhorrent. Isn’t it interesting that when Dennis Rodman was visiting with Kim Jong Un on behalf of President Obama that liberals felt it was the right thing to do? Where was the criticism of Obama when he visited Castro in Cuba? Talk about a dictatorial government that abuses its people. And that country at one point in time actually had missile batteries built just waiting for the Russian ships to deliver usable nuclear missiles that could be fired at America. North Korea doesn’t quite have effective weapons like that yet.

How about all the celebrities that visited Hugo Chavez when he completely nationalized all business and natural resources in Venezuela? He took away privately owned farms, ranches, small businesses, mining operations. He completely obliterated a very healthy, vibrant middle class and free market economy. Now his successor with the political elite and the ranking generals in the military are getting rich off of oil, mining, and selling drugs while the rest of the population makes $10 a month and can’t get enough food to feed their families.

That is the proof that liberals are 1/2” deep and not even close to a mile wide. They love the idea of communism. They love the idea that all people are equal, and all have the same things. There are no economic classes, there is no poverty, there is no starvation, and everyone works for the benefit of each other. Everything is doled out equally to everyone, whether it’s housing, food, clothing, medical care. They intentionally ignore or are blissfully ignorant of the reality of communism and socialism. In practical application, it never works. It never has and never will on a large scale. Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, the list goes on. The vast majority of people living under a communist regime live in abject poverty. Nobody from America would want to live in conditions that most people in those countries live through each and every day. Certainly not the people who live in the lap of luxury but praise the dictators that ruin people’s lives.

Most politicians, celebrities, media types all live in relative luxury. Many make millions of dollars; in the case of our political elite, probably in shady ways. They seem to think that if we adopted the principles of communism or socialism that we would all be raised to their level of income. Must be nice to live in their world. I’d call it blissful ignorance but it’s willful ignorance. Which based upon the way Robert de Niro, Kathy Griffin, and others act, willful ignorance is not very blissful.