Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 21 December 2018 21 December 2018

Congress has a chance to do what they promised; in fact they have 2 chances. Odds are they will screw up both chances. I will put the blame directly upon the Republican leadership in both parties for the failure.

Opportunity numero uno involves Obamacare. A judge from the 5th Circuit has ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional. Very quickly, many of you are saying that the Supreme Court already ruled that the ACA is constitutional, how can a lower court 'overrule' them? Simply, the only reason the act was upheld was Justice Roberts arrogance in ruling the penalty for failing to purchase or obtain insurance was a tax. This despite the fact that the DOJ attorneys did not argue that it was a tax or that the framers of the law declared it was not a tax.

That said, when the tax reform act was signed into law by President Trump, the individual penalty was removed. In its ruling, SCOTUS said the federal government could not force citizens to purchase any good or service. With the penalty removed, the act becomes unconstitutional giving Congress a chance to start over.

Instead of looking at real solutions to the health insurance problem, such as tort reform, interstate competition, or supporting Trump's rules on forming groups, our 'leaders' in Congress are already looking at reforming the ACA or even worse, creating universal health insurance or healthcare. Despite having voted 7 times to repeal the ACA, the Republicans have failed to do so under Trump. Clearly they are not listening to the average American, who wants real reform not the ACA or any other government involvement.

The second opportunity they will miss, which is more of a failure to keep another promise, has to do with border security. When the continuing resolution was passed earlier this year, the Republicans promised to include funding for the wall 'next time,' whether that be a true budget or another continuing resolution.

They had their chance to do so, not just this week, but by coming up with a budget when they were legally obligated to do so. Instead, they have chose to send some $13 billion in aid to Mexico and several Central American countries, when building the wall would take less money.

Of course we are not surprised that members of Congress have failed to keep a promise or failed to meet their legal obligations, we have become used to the way they conduct our business over the last 40 years.

We will have a chance to hold them accountable in two years. Pay attention to what is really going on, not what the liberal media tells you us happening and let's hold our elected officials accountable by voting them out of office.