Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 21 June 2019 21 June 2019

A Congressional committee began hearings regarding forming a committee to conduct a study to conclude that America must pay the descendants of black slaves reparations. Which essentially means every black person is entitled to a payment the amount and type of which is yet to be determined.

There were the typical liberal star witnesses, like Danny Glover, who testified about racism, poverty, the inability of black people to succeed in America. The liberals love to trot out celebrities with the hopes of not only getting some more publicity for their 'cause' but also the idea that they get to rub elbows with the famous.

Explain to me, if you can, how someone like Danny Glover can pontificate about the lack of opportunity for black people in America, something he claims to have experienced, when he is one of the most successful actors in Hollywood. I'll wait.

While I'm waiting, let's talk about the liberals' racism. First it is embodied in their belief that blacks cannot get ahead without government assistance. The country in which we live doesn't allow the same opportunities for blacks as it does for others. Heck, they can't even provide for their children because America stacks the deck against them. Never mind that every program enacted by the government with the stated purpose of creating equal opportunity has failed miserably.

Secondly, enter Coleman Hughes to testify. He attends an Ivy League school; has written extensively about racial issues including reparations; he is of African and Puerto Rican descent. He very eloquently spoke against the very idea of reparations pointing out that he was born into a very privileged home despite his ancestors having been slaves owned by Thomas Jefferson.

Hughes also pointed out the fallacy that some amount of money will 'cure' the perceived wrongs created by slavery in America, as well as the difficulty in determining who should or should not receive reparations and the wrong of punishing those whose ancestors not only didn't own slaves, but may have fought to end slavery.

For his efforts what did he get? Called a traitor to his race, a coon, a house ni**er, an Uncle Tom, a puppet for the right wing. Because you see, to the left, all blacks must hold the same opinion about race and history. Never mind that just like every other demographic, Coleman's experiences are different from many with whom he shares a common characteristic.

The racism expressed by those on the left side of the aisle is no different at its core than the racist laws that were put into place in the South by other Democrats to keep the races separate. They want to believe that all blacks have the same experiences, principles, thoughts, desires, and obstacles; something that is not true about any ethnic group.

It is that racism that has kept many in the urban black community believing they are victims and therefore keeping them living in poverty. Until it is called out for what it is, it will continue to accomplish the goals that liberals really have—control of and loyalty from a group of people that can continue to vote them into office.