Category: Community News Community News
Published: 07 March 2012 07 March 2012


Courtesy Photo:A bingo fundraising event was held on March 3, 2012. From left are Ryan Stern, Konnor Riddle, Kaitlyn Riddle, and Austin Stern.

Kaitlyn Riddle, Ryan Stern, Austin Stern, and Konnor Riddle will be traveling to England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales for 20 days this summer as Student Ambassadors. The People to People program was started by President Dwight D Eisenhower to promote global peace using citizens of different nations sharing experiences and understanding. These students were nominated to the program by their teachers. They completed an application and interview before being accepted into the ambassador program. The trip will include participation in a community service project in one of their destination countries, meeting with a member of Parliament, and a home stay.

These four youth have been raising funds starting with a booth at the Grant County Fair, selling hand-made bracelets, and most recently hosting a bingo on March 3, 2012. Prizes for the bingo were donated by 44 local businesses with a total value of approximately $1700. We wish to make a very special thank you to all who donated and were a part of this successful event. Future fundraising efforts will include a yard sale, a raffle, and a brisket dinner. Any person wishing to make a donation to help sponsor this important trip can contact Amanda Stern at 590-2961 or Kelley Riddle at 313-4112.