Category: Editorials Editorials
Published: 02 March 2019 02 March 2019

Did you know when you voted in 2018 for a Democrat governor that you were voting in support of killing, murdering unborn babies up through the ninth month of pregnancy, even during labor?

I bet most of you didn't know that. You believed you were voting for a moderate Democrat.

Well, if you voted straight Democrat, as many of you, my readers, tend to do, you not only voted for abortion, as I described it above, but you may also have voted for a representative who also supports the above and perhaps a senator, as well.

All of those of you who showed up last week to make sure Grant County is a Second Amendment sanctuary county, might also be interested in other issues, such as protecting the lives of unborn babies. Please be active in supporting and opposing bills that you feel strongly about.

It simply gives me chills to know that since Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973 that an estimated more than 58 million (!!) abortions have been performed in this country.

That's 58 million fewer children and adults in this country. If you don't find that shocking and abhorrent, then you have lost your moral compass and should probably stop reading now.

If, however, your conscience and moral compass are still active and protesting, please read on.

What is it about human beings made in the image of God, our creator, that you have forgotten? (I haven't forgotten that, and I hope you haven't!).

In New Mexico alone, in 2017, 3,999 abortions were performed, and in 2018, 4,573, according to

This number, which is quite shocking in a predominantly Hispanic state, of which many are practicing Roman Catholic, also includes "estimates" from the 42 percent of abortion providers who did not respond to the surveys.

According to the same website above, the numbers from the Centers for Disease Control have dropped over the years, which is a tiny bit encouraging, but babies continue to be killed as you read.

It also states that 15.3 percent of pregnancies in New Mexico ended in abortion. In 2014, the last year full information was determined by the Guttmacher Institute, 0.5 percent of abortions in the U.S. occurred in New Mexico that year.

Your governor (I didn't vote for her, and I don't claim her) was thrilled to receive a petition with 10,000 signatures SUPPORTING this extreme abortion bill.

What is it about human beings made in the image of God, our creator, that you have forgotten? (I haven't forgotten that!).

I encourage you to notify your senator to oppose HB 51. I have done so by text today, because today is when the Senate Public Affairs Committee is meeting. If it passes it will likely go to the full Senate.

SATURDAY: Radical Infanticide, Abortion Up-To-Birth Bill HB 51 To Be Heard Before the Senate Public Affairs Committee, 1:00 PM.

I also encourage you to sign the petition against HB 51 at: 

UPDATE: HB 600 & HB 608 hearings were postponed due to time constraints in the NM House, committee vote moved to Tuesday, March 5, 2019 1:00 PM, Rm 317 

The bills above are promoted primarily by Republicans, who respect the sanctity of life before birth as well as after. The two bills will, if passed in this crazy Legislature, put in place protections for those who, based on moral or religious grounds, refuse to perform abortions, as was in the legislation that is being replaced by HB 51.

If you believe in the sanctity of the unborn, please look up these bills on and thank the sponsors of the bills. Also email or call the offices of your representatives and senator to ask them to support HB 600 and HB 608.

If you believe the "due to time constraints," I have a bridge to sell you (which I don't!). Please support HB 600 and HB 608 because they protect life, as well as the rights of physicians and other medical providers NOT to be REQUIRED to perform abortions.

This is one year (and next year will be the same) when I have been active in supporting and opposing bills. I respectfully encourage you to do the same.