Category: Local Events Local Events
Published: 23 April 2023 23 April 2023

The GCCCA, WNMU, and the American Legion Post 18 will host a celebration for Armed Forces Day in Bataan Memorial Park in Santa Clara. The event starts at 1:00 PM with presentations from the Ft. Bayard Historic Preservation Society, Friends of Bataan Park, and from the director of the Ft. Bayard National Cemetery. The event is to honor active military personnel, Gold Star Families, veterans and all the veterans service organizations in Grant County. Following the presentations, the 1st Armored Division Band from Ft. Bliss will perform a concert entitled “As Time Goes By” starting at 2:00 PM.

The 1st Armored Division Band is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. "Old Ironsides" traces its heritage from 1943, when it was activated in the early days of World War II. To this band, however, music was often a sideline as division bands were used as infantry units during World War II. The majority of the band's time was not spent in rehearsing and performing, but in guarding supplies or headquarters installations. Throughout the decades they have been deactivated and reactivated several times, being deployed to war-torn regions around the globe including Korea, Kuwait, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo to name few.  

At each deployment they provided support and performed for troops and dignitaries always embodying their motto “Performance With Pride”.  For a more detailed history of the band go to

There will be a limited number of chairs so it is recommended you bring your own so you can comfortably enjoy the ceremonies and concert. 

The event is free and open to the public