Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 15 August 2023 15 August 2023

By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a regular meeting August 8, 2023, beginning with the roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, Mayor pro tem Richard Maynes (came after roll call) and councilors Nanette Day, Reynaldo Maynes and Keana Huerta.

The council approved the agenda.

Public input none currently.

The council approved the consent agenda which included regular meeting minutes July 11, 2023, special meeting minutes July 25, 2023, maintenance report, clerk's report, fire department report, animal control report, code enforcement report, police department report and judges report. It also includes the resignation of Delilah Huerta as code officer.

Lori Ortiz, city clerk, said that she had taken a tour of everything the maintenance department does. "They have a lot on their plate." She wanted to let the council know that two of the positions on the council and the judge would be up for election in November and wanted to let them know that anyone interested in running for the positions must register August 29, 2023, at the Grant County clerk's office.

Ortiz gave the council a short report from the fire department. The fire chief had not been able to attend due to getting ready for a fire inspection. They had six fires they had responded to in July. Ortiz said he could expand on that next meeting.

Stevens said Delilah Huerta had problems with the job and had resigned. He wanted to say she has done a super job. Ortiz said they would all miss her. She had always gone above and beyond by stepping in wherever she had been needed. She had done every job in the city at one time.

Police Chief Christian McGuinness gave the council a short report. They had received 109 calls and given 22 citations. They will also be on duty until 3 am on Friday and Saturday nights.

The council approved resolution No. 7-2023/2024. This ratified the agreement for membership with the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments. Stevens said they had been instrumental in getting the town water system.

The council approved the ICIP (Infrastructure capital improvement plan). This plan will be sent to the state and be the projects they will be requesting funding for. The list puts the most important first and least at the bottom. The list the council made put the water system number one. After that repairs to the Chino Building, Wastewater system improvements, town recreation improvements, town vehicle, regional water project, cemetery improvements, street sweeper and community center.

The council approved the comprehensive plan that has some similarities to the ICIP. It spans five years and goes into the city plans and what has been done and what would be planned.

The council approved the purchase order to Motorola for police department radios. Chief McGuinness said they have been having problems with the current radios. The funding will come from what they receive from the state each year.

The council approved the RFP (request for proposal) for general and architectural engineering support to be awarded to Stantec. They had received 2 bids and they had been gone over by three employees and Stantec had the higher score. The other bid came from ASA Architects in Las Cruces.

Mayor and councilors reports

Ortiz had forgotten to give some information earlier in the meeting. She and Blas Rodriguez, maintenance director, met with representatives from Aldo Leopold School. They wanted to know what Hurley's wants and needs would be. They took them to tour the E Street park and proposed upgrading the playground area by adding benches, trees, etc. Ortiz added that they also wanted to know if Hurley could provide any funding. She said she would have more information at the next meeting.

Next meeting will be held September 12, 2023, at 5 pm.

Meeting adjourned.