Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 13 November 2018 13 November 2018

Grant County Federated Republican Women's meeting location on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 11:30, is changed due to scheduling conflicts at WNMU. The group will meet at Republican Headquarters in Arenas Valley next to the Snappy Mart. Millie's Bakehouse will cater a variety of sandwiches. There will also be chips, salad, and beverages. Price will be determined by attendance, but not over $10.

There is no special speaker, but the members will elect officers for the 2019/2020 Election Cycle. They will also discuss Election Results and plans for going forward.

Since it is nearly Christmas, please bring something for Becky to mail to military men and women serving overseas.

Suggestions include:
Black cotton socks
Beef Jerky
Peanut Butter
Tuna and Salmon, packages
Single serving Kool-Aid packets
Hard candy - M&Ms, Skittles
Granola Bars
Ramen noodles
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (dry individual servings)
Flavored coffees
Boston Baked Beans peanut candy
Playing cards
Chapstick, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste
Hygiene wipes
Personal note paper/note cards
Christmas cards would also be great, because they weigh next to nothing, take up little room, and will serve as decorations in a barracks or tent.