Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 27 October 2019 27 October 2019

November 3, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street  – "Café Conversation on Death" 

Cultural taboos often stop meaningful conversations about end-of-life issues before those conversations can even begin; yet death happens to us all.  Do we want to ignore the inevitable or start preparing now for a more ease-ful death? This interactive session led by Lynda Aiman-Smith and Maryam Weidner, will allow for open conversations about this sacred time, exploring the beliefs, concerns and issues surrounding death.

Lynda Aiman-Smith has been a Unitarian Universalist for over 40 years. She has been part of the end-care teams for a number of people she loved, as they transitioned out of this plane. She is a trained hospice volunteer.  

Maryam Weidner's background as an Inter-Faith minister and professional Facilitator, grounds her approach in exploring this topic with groups. In 2017, she attended a Death Doula Training with Ram Dass and other teachers in the field of Death and Dying. She has also helped to care for loved ones during their dying process and been privileged to witness the beauty of death.

Although this is not a Family Program Sunday, childcare will be available or the children can take part in the service.

There will be coffee and conversation after the service, and visitors are always welcome.

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City is a diverse group of religious independents seeking knowledge, spiritual sustenance, fellowship and opportunities for service to others. Our programs encompass humanism, liberal Christianity, earth-based spirituality, Buddhism and many other traditions. If you’d like to find out more, email, visit our website at or visit us on Facebook at Unitarian-Universalist-Fellowship-of-Silver-City.