Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 28 January 2013 28 January 2013

Leave to Weave a mug rug at the Silver City Museum on Saturday, February 2, 2013 from 10 am to 12 noon. The Silver City Museum will provide a weaving class for crafters, eight years and older, on Saturday, February 2, 2013, from 10 am to 12 noon at the Museum.  The Silver City Museum is located at 312 W. Broadway.

Participants will learn to weave a mug rug on a peg loom. Weave a set of mug rugs, or use the weaving as a doll house rug or blanket, or sew two together to make a little bag. This fun class is recommended for children aged 8 years and older and is limited to 12 students.  Pre-registration is encouraged.

Children’s craft classes will continue to be offered each month, on Saturdays, at the Museum.  The classes are geared towards elementary school-aged children, and parent/guardian attendance is required, which makes these classes a great opportunity for family craft making. 
Fees are: $5.00 per class. Register in advance with the Curator of Education, Charmeine Wait at 538-5921 or email

The Silver City Museum creates opportunities for residents and visitors to explore, understand and celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage of southwestern New Mexico by collecting, preserving, researching and interpreting the region's unique history. For more information, please contact the Museum at (575) 538-5921,, or go to the Museum's website