Have you ever had a surgical site that just wouldn't quit hurting? Or chronic arthritis pain in your hands, fingers, ankles or knees? How about pain from a cancer site? Migraines?

Did you know that 60 Minutes once held an entire show on the many benefits of DMSO? Mike Wallace called the show, “The Riddle of DMSO.” So, what is DMSO? Dimethyl sulfoxide was originally used as a solvent. It was first discovered by a Russian scientist, Alexander Zaytsev ,in 1866 as he was the first to synthesize it.

In the 1960s, Dr. Stanley Jacob and his University of Oregon Medical School team found that it could penetrate skin. However, it had some peculiar traits. It smells like garlic and may leave a garlicky taste to the breath. On top of that, some say it tastes like oysters in the mouth.

It’s a very controversial substance. Those who have used it to cure a wide number of disorders stand staunchly on one side of the issue and those who defame it are just as strong on the other. (By the way, it can’t be patented, which means traditional pharmaceutical companies aren’t interested in it. Not profitable.)

Because it’s a solvent, it can be a carrier of other medications into the body. Users of heart and other sensitive medications should not use it without an OK from a medical practitioner. It’s been known to enhance other medicines taken by mouth even if DMSO is put on the skin a distance away. Due to the strong odor of the substance, if one thought they wanted to try it, they should consider using deodorized DMSO.

So, why would anyone want to use it? Well, from the testimonials about it, DMSO covers a huge numbers of issues. Let’s look at some of the claims. Before I share them with you, there are warnings. Some people have had side effects, such as: skin irritations, rash, temporary burning sensation, hives, and in some instances, headaches.

Pregnant women, babies and toddlers should not use it. It could be a possible cause of toxicity to their developing nervous systems. However, for many, the benefits far outweigh the concerns. It has been considered to be a non-toxic substance.

That said, there is a site,  midwesterndoctor.com that posted “The FDA’s War Against DMSO and America.” He’s a believer and recommends it to his patients. He found that it treated a number of circulatory problems, including strokes, brain bleeds, varicose veins and even heart attacks. 

He cites amazing recoveries from neurological problems such as spinal cord injuries, ALS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Developmental Delay. Some of those disorders respond best to using DMSO by intravenous injections.

We’ve been trying it on temperamental joints, since one of the areas of help related to joint disorders. We add red light therapy in the morning and  DMSO in the evening. It has worked well at easing pain. It may not be a cure. However, according to a physician in Ecuador, a woman who had a terribly mangled lower spine from an accident, regained her ability to walk by his using IV DMSO on her over 5 months.


This site also mentions that DMSO eases “pain, heals wounds, prevents scarring, treats traumatic brain injury, heals skin ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, headaches,” and even aids Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients.

It I had known that it could heal basal cell carcinoma, I would not have had to endure two surgeries for them and a skin graft.

A government site has a large number of articles on the uses of DMSO. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3510103/

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34314611/ tells of treating eye disorders with DMSO. Low doses (30%) eased inflammation.

DMSO is quickly absorbed and spreads rapidly through the body. It’s been called “Nature’s Healer.”     https://www.onedaymd.com/2024/10/dmso-incredible-painkiller-almost.html.     It eases pain by blocking pain signals. However, patients who used it seem to need less as time goes by, causing some to think of it as a healing agent for their condition. It relaxes the spasms some get in their legs at night. It quiets cytokines which are pain chemicals that signal discomfort. It eases edema and removes free radicals.

This same site tells of DMSO healing chronic ulcers and deep burns. Recovery left no scars, making it helpful in reconstructive surgery. It was also used to reduce scars in people who have  large ones, softening and reducing them. I found this to be a very helpful site.

When we began using it, tender areas like the face felt tingly for a minute or so. Some people may get temporary skin irritation and some object to the garlic taste that may come to their mouth or breath. We found that to be very temporary and not objectionable enough to prevent our exploring its use.

The midwestern doctor spoke of it giving remarkable results to stroke victims, heart attacks and spinal cord injuries. It’s even helpful in relieving certain genetic problems.

If you are interested in investigating it, you can look at three Youtube presentations. DMSO Dr. Stanley W. Jacob Part 1, 2 and 3.

Just to refresh your memory, although I have a PhD in Natural Health and Healing, I have not treated patients. I have been a Life Coach, offered Nutritional Counseling, and shared information to many through journalism, classes, and other means. I’m mostly retired at this stage of life but still do research and have a passion for passing on healing information that is not pharmaceutical-based.

There is a role for chemical drugs, but often they are overused. A few brave medical men who oversaw nursing homes, took patients off of the many medicines they were being given. The result was that their cognitive function returned and the quality of their lives greatly improved.

We know of one gentleman who had to temporarily go to a facility who told us a very disturbing story. He said that at mealtimes all of the people “were like zombies.” They sat there, and ate their meals as if in a stupor. He was convinced that if he didn’t come back home quickly, he might not live long. Thankfully, he did return home and is still able to function comfortably at an advanced age.

It takes work in this day and age to stay healthy. I hope you are finding some of these posts helpful to your own life journey, If you have tried anything I’ve shared and found it beneficial, it would be encouraging if you let me know. (Through my editor, or message my name.)

Nancy Pidutti, PhD NHH, nurse, 5 time author and long time Chaplain.