Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 10 January 2020 10 January 2020

It seems that it's time for one of those random thoughts and observation columns. There is so much going on in our world plus we probably need a chuckle or two to keep from banging our heads against the wall given all that the liberals are doing to ruin our country.

It seems that the Iranian government has officially become members of the Democrat party. The Democrats have consistently given a pass to their members or supporters when it comes to transgressions such as sexual harassment, discrimination, or other behaviors that cause them to call for the death of their political opponents. There can be no other explanation for their support of General Soleimani. This man has been a terrorist for over 30 years and was responsible for the attacks on the American barracks in the Middle East and Africa. He and his Revolutionary Guard have been involved in the use of chemical weapons against men and women as well as the development of particularly effective IED's that have not only killed 600 American soldiers but hundreds of innocent civilians. Yet the Democrats or calling him a war hero or an icon of diplomacy. Sorry, I started off the column with one of the main reasons we want to bang our heads against the wall.

There is a meme making the rounds of social media castigating President Trump for spending trillions of dollars on our defense budget and sending troops to Iraq to protect our embassy yet we can't send help to Australia to combat the fires. When I pointed out to one of my liberal acquaintances that we have in fact sent a large contingent of American wildland firefighters to Australia, he had a seizure. I never did figure out if it was because he didn't want to give President Trump credit or that the meme creator, apparently the source of all of his information about our world, might have been wrong.

It's too bad that World War 3 ended before it really started, the poor little snowflakes did not even get a chance to burn their draft cards.

Officials at Glacier National Park have a problem: just over 10 years ago they erected a number of signs around the park including 2 very large plaques at the entrance of the park and at the visitor center warning us that by the year 2020 the glaciers in the park would have disappeared. Of course, the culprit was man-caused climate change and the messages encouraged visitors to do what they could in their personal lives and to encourage our political leaders to adopt changes that would stop climate change. Now it is 2020 and surprise, the glaciers are still there! In fact one of the glaciers is growing. To my unscientific mind that means one of two things; either the necessary steps have been taken to reverse man-caused climate change or the climate activists were wrong. Rangers at the park are telling people that the danger is still very real but due to a lack of complete and total information their calculations about the timing of the disappearance of the glaciers was off a little bit.

Remember back during the Iraq war when the public relations officer for the Iraqi military said the US claims of tanks in Baghdad were highly exaggerated as the tanks drove behind him? Someone in the South African military is challenging him for credibility. A South African C130 cargo plane made an emergency landing at the Goma Airport in the Congo. A statement was released to the press by the South African military saying that the plane had not suffered any major damage. Included in the press release were pictures of the plane showing the left wing completely severed from the fuselage. I'm pretty sure that if the damage renders the plane unable to fly most people would consider that to be major.

I'll have much more detail about this on the show Saturday, but the claims made by the liberals that the President did not have authority to kill General Soleimani are wrong. But if the liberals’ claims are accurate that there was not any legal authority for the President to act, why are they passing a resolution to limit the President’s authority under the War Powers Act?

This is on the blue side of humor so if you're easily offended , now is a good place to stop reading. It might be one of the best endorsements for a product purchased on Amazon. A 25 year old man wrote that he purchased a sex toy for his girlfriend hoping to spice up relations in the boudoir. This particular toy was designed to stimulate his girlfriend’s genital area. At first he said he did not have high hopes for the device since it was relatively inexpensive but that 30 seconds into using it on his partner she not only began to feel the effects but when she reached the moment of truth she reacted in such a physical manner then she kicked him in the head knocking him off the bed. He gave the device five stars but warned any others that might buy that for their partner to consider using a bicycle helmet or allowing their partner to use it themselves without any assistance. Amazon officials said the sale of the device increased 300% in the days following that review.