Glass and bead work by Hope Kinter
Hope holding up an angel image
Jane Beers with her macrame work including Christmas tree ornaments
Jodie and Tommy Brdecko with their wood items
A.D. and Sue Richins and Chuck Tester hiding from the camera
Some of the wood items from the Richins
Justin Greenberg and Marilyn Alcorn looking at Abby Ogas art works
Donna McKeen and her fiber crafts
Sandy Millard with her decorations and T-shirts
Tara O'Neill with her copper- and silver-wired gemstone jewelry
Susan Steen with her jewelry
Barbara Timss checking out Mary Sherman's jewelry
Darlene and Mike Derrick with their various woodworking pieces
Julie Hancock with a variety of wood and paint crafts
Ann Alexander with her clay, gourd and wood whimsical creations
Carolyn Peckham with fabric items
Linda Brown placing some of her fabric works
Lucille Bell with her fabric items
Carolyn Pearcy, Linda Brown and Rhonda Lackey with Carolyn's variety of works
Mary Margaret Soule with her crocheted works
Christina Padilla with Mary Kay products
Carolyn Paez with her baskets, prints and other art works
Shelly Yates with a variety of fabric items
Eileen Berry with fabric, jewelry and crocheted items
Cynthia Brittin and Dian Green with crocheted items
Lupe Lindsey and Carlos Bueno with Lupe's jewelry and fabric items