A dancer, Courtesy Photo by Brittany Beers of Silver City Musuem
Baile Encanto Dancers, courtesy photo by Beers
Dancers waiting their turn to perfrom,courtesy photo by Beers
The Silver City Museum ofrenda
A dancer and two friends
Marie Weil, with her jewelry
Mia Teran, Baile Encanto dancer, posing
Two dancers
Mia Lewis
Kayleigh Baca and Kaylemma Maldonado
Amanda and Brent Welsh with Exquisite Kustomz
Dancers painting.
Emiliama Miller painting
Joanne Burritt face painting Alex Lenk, a CDT hiker
Silver City Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest customer engagement specialist Crystal C. Turner
Allie Cameron
Elizabeth Ford with her watercolors
Sonya Boltz with her paintings and painted "snakes."
Laura Garrett with her ceramics
Vanessa Serano with her Silverado Hats and new, used and created clothing
Sarah Peterson painting Allie Cameron's face
Allie partially painted
April Vigil and Sandra Calderon of La Bonita Bakery