In front of Fiesta Latina before the crowds arrive
Regina Huitsilin Ramirez Castaneda from Morelos- papier mache figures
Maria Estela Flores Najera helping Guadalupe Hermosillo Escobar, left, from Chiapas with metal works
Roberto Abraham and José Manuel Ruiz Salazar from Nexahualcoyotl and their bone carving
Jewelry from natural fibers
Eusebia Texis and Maria del Pilar Garcia Hernandez of Tlaxcala with their natural fiber products
Shanani Gaspar Ortega from Michoacan and her lacquered wood
Lilian and Nohemi Aguilar Vigueras of Ciudad de Mexico with embroidery
Vianey Rebecca Flores Martinez of Estado de Mexico with leather work
Leather goods that take up to three months each to decorate with tiny thread
Alberto Orta of Baja doing popotillo - straw art
Jorge Cristales Vasquez of Oaxaca with alebrijes, painted work carvings
Oscar Morales of Baja, doing popotillo, Orta is his assistant
Some of the framed pieces of popotillo work
Alfonso Castillo Merino and assistant Lizeth Ana Canny Avila Morales of Puebla, with their painted wood, clay and trees of life.
uan Carlos Benitez Juarez, silversmith of Guerrero
Angelica Morales Gamez of Michoacan-pottery
Jacobo Mendoza of Oaxaca with wool weavings and rugs
Job Hermelando Rodriguez Valencia of Puebla with copper and silver work
Augustin Cruz Tinoco of Oaxaca with painted wood figures and alebrijes
Patricio Santiago Paz of Oaxaca with his stone carvings
Alvaro Lopez Jimenez of Tlaxcala with textiles and bedding
Fernando Jimon Melchor and Maria Elena Lopez Suarez of Jalisco with decorative clay work
Isabel Mendoza showing work by Lourdes Gonzales Jimenez, who wanted to come, but could not
Work by Jimenez
Leather bags by Angel Vasquez Cruz, who was unable to come
Brigitte Marie Ordoquy of Chiapas showing textile work for Pascuala and Angel Vasquez of Chiapas and leather work from Angel Vasquez Cruz
Oliverio Gomez Perez of Chiapas showing textile embroidery work in progress.
Alejandro Guadalupe Zoreque of Michoacan showing carved wood furniture
Jose Adolfo Escudero Gracia and Silvia Natividad Garcia Romano of Guerrero with their lacquered boxes
Moises Martinez Velazco of Oaxaca with handmade silk items
delina Pedro Martinez of Oaxaca with black clay items
David Avila of Estado de Mexico with his woven baskets.
Omar de la Loma Hernandez of Puebla with amate papel, embroidery and dolls
Erandine Laure do Sant Phalle Navarro of Michoacan with painted gourds and plates
Ricardo Navarro Rodriguez of Jalisco with his utilitarian and decorative ceramic work and work of Joel Godinez Cortes
Noe Pinzon Palafox of Oaxaca with his and Francisca Palafox Herran natural dyed textiles
ergio Perez Arana of Jalisco with his jewelry
Briana Munoz, Aztec dancer
Sonia and Carlos Gutierrez of Ciudad de Mexico with copper jewelry
Susana Lopez of Chihuahua with her husband Jose Manuel Martinez Lopez's Mata Ortiz pottery
Sophia Viviana Romo Gonzales of Veracruz with her jewelry and pottery
Macrina Mateo Martinez of Oaxaca with the Los Mujeres del Barro Rojo with their red clay pottery
A display of carved jicaras by Oligario Pascual Mendoza Hernandez of Oaxaca
Clara Garcia Antonio of Oaxaca with many different decorated shoes
Tania Dominguez Gallegos and Esteban Silva Galvan of Michoacan with handmade paper products
Estefania Reyes of Chihuahua, wife of artist Ivan Martinez Lopez, with his Mata Ortiz pottery
Eleazar Morales Martinez and Leo Ojinaga of Oaxaca with alebrijes
Maribel Perez Velazco of Oaxaca with black pottery
Salvador Barrera Hernandez and Ericka Ludmila Sanchez pf Guerrero with Mata Ortiz jewelry
Juan Manuel Ramirez Olivera of Michoacan with his copper work
Fernando Ramon Martinez and Petra Gutierrez Gomez of Jalisco with her clay figurines
Julio Laja Chichicaxtle of Puebla with his paper art made from bark
Claudia Martinez Vargas of Oaxaca with her metal work and boxed dolls