The Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce staff and volunteers managing the event
American Legion Riders and Operation Wounded Warrior raising funds for their projects
The Chamber tents
Silver Stompers always ready to perform
one of the many vendors
Andre Torres staying on the bucking bull
An upside-down and twising ride only for the brave
DAR representatives Brenda Tozier, Bonnie Mounjo and Diane LeBlanc honoring veterans
Grant County Cattlegrowers represented by Brian Moore, David McCauley, Leslie Crumbley and Ryan McCaulty
Kids panning for gold
Tom Shelley at right, showing different rocks
Shelley pointing out a speck of gold in a rock in the boy's hand
A youngster trying his hand at lassoing the "bull"
Jay Goats and Mike Rains talking about the Pinos Altos volunteer fire and rescue department