Rebecca Brewer, 1866-1989, portrayed by Patricia Ross
Ben Lilly, 1856-1936, portrayed by Robert Boyle
Sgt. Leonidas Lytle, 1846-1924, portrayed by Dale Lane
Agnes Mary Kennon, 1835-1876, portrayed by Kari Lane
James Woodward, 1853-1926, portrayed by Dennis Murati
Mary Richard Casey 1847-1900, portrayed by Linda Bluestone
Catherine McCarty-Antrim, 1829-1874, portrayed by The Rev. Tara Soughers
James Metcalf, 1824-1910, portrayed by Douglas Dinwiddie
Forrest Norrel, 1833-1884, portrayed by the Rev. Earseye Ross
John Bullard, 1841-1871, portrayed by Donnie Koebel
Jennie Culver, 1846-1871, portrayed by Kris Isom.
James Lucas, 1826-1900, portrayed by George Carr
Minerva T. Carrillo, 1925-1988, portrayed by a descendant, Ana Tolhurst
Cornelias Cousland, 1856-1927, portrayed by James Charleston
Bessie Harper, 1855-1929, portrayed by Liz Mikols
"Bobby" Jackson, 1918-1969, portrayed by Tom Hester
W.D. Murray, 1870-1962, portrayed by John Bell, M.D.
John Ball, 1825-1903, portrayed by Bruce Tolhurst
Nat Straw, 1856-1941, portrayed by Tim Turner
Joseph Lafferr, 1841-1864, portrayed by Raul S. Turrieta, Jr.