Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 03 April 2017 03 April 2017

McCray Gallery RSSilver City, NM - Graduating students in the Expressive Arts program at Western New Mexico University will be showcasing artwork in the end-of-semester exhibition at McCray Gallery. The public invited to an opening reception on Thursday, April 13 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Eight students will be showcasing work in different mediums including ceramics, sculpture, graphic design, painting, photography and digital media.

Students graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will deliver artist talks at 5:00 p.m. in Parotti Hall. Graduating students showcasing work include Kourosh Amini, Atziry Apodaca, Mike Garner, Sky Klaus, Krissy Ramirez, Grecia Rivas, Corina Silva, and Mike Thornburg.

The exhibit will be on display through Friday, May 5.