Category: Local News Releases Local News Releases
Published: 03 December 2019 03 December 2019

The Silver City MainStreet Project received $170,000 in state capital outlay funding for the Main Street Plaza. The funding is being used towards Phase III, and the completion of the Main Street Plaza located in the lot between 7th and 8th Streets.

New Mexico MainStreet (NMMS) and the New Mexico Economic Development Department has awarded $4 million for revitalization projects through the MainStreet Capital Outlay Public Infrastructure Program in 11 MainStreet communities: Alamogordo, Barelas, Belen, Farmington, Gallup, Las Vegas, Lovington, Raton, Roswell, Silver City, and Tucumcari.

The MainStreet Capital Outlay Program provides funding for public infrastructure upgrades within a targeted public investment area. Projects must be an economic driver and demonstrate impact on the local economy, improve the appearance and functionality of the district, create connectors, and engage local property and business owners.

"These MainStreet investments are going to 11 communities all over the state to help them revitalize their downtowns, create a sense of place, and boost economic growth," said Cabinet Secretary Alicia J. Keyes of the Economic Development Department. 

"We work with local communities to identify and develop catalytic economic development projects that use a holistic approach and build off of the community’s existing assets," said NMMS Director Daniel Gutierrez. "These vital projects directly support economic growth, property renovation, business development, and job creation within the MainStreet district." 

The number of projects designated each year is contingent upon the Legislature’s annual appropriation for the NMMS program. Capital Outlay funds are used to leverage/match other local, state, corporate, and foundation dollars.

“We are so grateful to NM MainStreet for this funding that will allow us to finish the Plaza, states Patrick Hoskins, Board President of Silver City MainStreet. We hope to have the Plaza finished by early February 2020. We are also grateful to the Town of Silver City for supporting this project and moving it forward.”

The Main Street Plaza project will transform the parking lot between 7th and 8th Streets into a multiple use area for events, farmers market, as well as continued parking.  This project will benefit residents and tourists alike increasing the economic vitality of downtown by providing a much needed event venue with public restrooms. The Plaza is so named because it is on the last remnant of Silver City’s Main St. before it became the Big Ditch.

The Silver City MainStreet Project is one of the oldest MainStreet programs in the state.  The MainStreet program is a national program fostering economic development in local communities and operates under the NM MainStreet program and the state Economic Development Department.  

Silver City MainStreet has accomplished many projects since 1985 including the downtown street lights, downtown gateway arch, improvements to the Big Ditch Park, numerous beautification projects, the restoration of the historic Silco Theater and most recently, the Kelly Street Project.

The mission of Silver City MainStreet is "To encourage a vibrant, historic downtown Silver City which is recognized as the heart of our diverse community." Please visit our website, to learn more.