Category: Go Natural for Good Health Go Natural for Good Health
Published: 11 October 2023 11 October 2023

Did you try the exercises I shared last time? Dr. William H. Bates, an ophthalmologist first wrote about these in 1920. He had his patients practice these methods. He worked with tens of thousands of patients and performed many thousands of actual experiments with them. He found that younger people had the most remarkable results.

Whenever I do these exercises my eye muscles feel stronger. With more practice, I hope to see visual improvement. Today, we'll look at another set of exercises you can do.

How many times have you felt your eyes begin to sting, burn, ache, or generally feel tired from use? This is one of the quickest pick-me-ups for eyes I've ever tried.

Dr. Bates called this palming. All it uses are the cupped palms of your hands..

You can do this while sitting at a desk, in an easy chair, or even while lying down.
First, rub your palms together until they begin to feel slightly warm.

Next, place your hands in a cupping position over your eyes, allowing your fingers to overlap. You can lean your head forward, resting the lower part of your eye's bony socket on the edge of your padded palms.

Do this without pressing against the eyes. Then adjust the fit until most of the light has been shut out. Now rest, rest, rest.

Some people do this while keeping their eyes open. Others choose to close theirs. The object is to rest the eyes, so whichever is most relaxing is the one for you.

Because in our modern world, our eyes are constantly assaulted, they need to rest. Television and computer screens emit a certain amount of radiation. Indoor and outdoor chemicals, pollens, animal dander, and flying dust and debris are continual irritants. Southwestern windshields frequently have brilliant blazes that momentarily dazzle.

Believe me, your eyes will appreciate the rest.

I can often feel a faint glow and tingle which, based on the length of time I practiced, lingers.

Give your eyes a pause that truly refreshes. You will be glad you did.

Learning to be healthy.