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"Go Natural for Good Health"
In the decade between the 1980s and 1990s, Nancy Pidutti wrote many local health columns. Later, she wrote a two-and-a-half year, monthly health newsletter, called GǣLet's Be Healthy."
She will be sharing some updated versions from her newsletter on a wide variety of topics.
You might find her newest book, "How to Stay Healthy in a World Gone Mad: A Handbook for Kingdom Living," an interesting addition to these columns.
When I wrote the column on your teeth, I promised to write on fluoride. It has now become a really hot topic. People, who stand pro and con, vigorously defend their viewpoints. This often leaves the public confused in the wake of their rhetoric. So, let’s examine it rationally and let you determine which side of the issue you want to use to guide your life.
If you’ve ever watched a young child scrub their teeth, they often look at the substance on the brush, then taste it. It’s usually brightly colored to grab their attention. Then it has flavors in the mix and may have cartoon figures on the box or container. All the better to make it seem very special to a child and the purchasing parent.
The last post may have triggered questions for you, but it’s important to realize that this is not the safe world that our grandparents lived in. However, if we know the right things to do, we can overcome the challenges that have been placed in our paths. In this post , I’ll deal with such things as parasites, bacteria, candida and biofilms.
No one likes the idea that there may be something other than good and sometimes bad bacteria that can live in your gut. Many are aware of H-pylori which can cause painful irritations in the stomach lining. It’s a type of bacteria, that, left untreated, can cause a person to be prone to peptic ulcers and even stomach cancer.
Many of you have suffered in wide variety of unexplained symptoms since the 2020 debacle hit our nation and the world. For some of you, It meant a depressed immune system. For some it meant a variety of heart symptoms, Many had brain fog or unexplained sudden nerve pain or even the sudden appearance of different forms of cancer. The jaberwock struck in devious ways according to a person's genetics, their state of health or disorder before it hit. Some of you did not get the jabber, but experienced odd symptoms following exposure to those who had # 1, # 2 or booster.
For.a long time we felt hopeless and helpless to deal with the escalating symptoms. That was a time of great anxiety, fear, confusion and uncertainty. Media promoted a planned propaganda system which didn't help.
For a very long time, I've felt that the treatment of physical difficulties in the future will be removed from the Pharm industry and will have a turn around based on light and sound therapeutics.
In line with that, I have many documents, books and other research that's pointing more and more in that direction. I received a very interesting site featuring a "functional neurologist and pioneer in laser therapy," Dr. Brandon Crawford. He specializes in "using light therapy and photobiomodulation to heal brain injuries." This is a great benefit to children who often have home or sporting injuries in their very early years.
It isn't unusual for a child to take a nasty tumble down steep stairs, fall off the balance beam to hit their heads on the concrete gym floor, or have a bicycle or skate board crash.
“Now prancing, now dancing, now standing still.” Do you remember this childhood riddle? We’re going to talk about your teeth and mouth care.
Do you have any idea what’s in the toothpaste you use two or more times a day to polish your mouth ponies? We’re going to delve into this issue and end up with some nice alternatives.
One of the most frequently touted ingredients is fluoride. Because the topic is so. huge, I will deal with it in another post.That leaves about 12 or more ingredients that may be in that tube. One that was popular with toothpaste manufacturers was later banned in soaps but was still regarded as “safe” by the FDA to put into your mouth.. However, that Triclosan is a pesticide and was added as an antibacterial agent which was still in use as of January 2020. (You are not a pest! I don’t care who told you that you were!)
How many of you have nonstick cooking pots and pans? They are nice to prevent food from sticking to the surface, but are you aware of the hazards of these products?
Teflon and the forever chemicals that come with them are challenging for and destructive to your health. They have been known to contribute to all kinds of problems including malfunction of the thyroid gland, weight gain to the point of obesity, auto-immune diseases, and testicular and kidney cancer.
The last column was so hard to digest that I thought something lighter would help relieve the tension. There is more to come, but we don’t want to overdose on the negative.
These tips are from one of the heroes of my earlier years, J. I. Rodale. He took a 63-acre rundown farm in Pennsylvania and made it into a productive prototype for organic living. He used composting and cover cropping in his efforts to restore this farm, and it worked! He went on to make an impact on his generation and taught that “Organics is not a fad,” and “The Future is Organic.” As I had the opportunity, for decades,I’ve tried to follow his principles.
These tidbits are from or based on his book, “The Encyclopedia for Healthful Living." 9th printing in 1971 in which he listed things from A to Y.
What in the world do I mean? It depends on who you ask. Promoters of the slime claim it's just like beef. In fact, the FDA now calls it "ground beef." Meat industry producers have a fancier name, LFTB stands for "Lean Finely Textured Beef."
Have you heard of "beef trim?" It's "waste" meat and fat removed from higher quality beef. When collected, they warm the fat and trim, then put it into a centrifuge to "spin out" the fat. So far, so good. "Beef Products Inc " claims that this lean beef can be mixed with beef that has a higher fat content which is used in "low-fat ground beef and processed meat products.
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