Category: Go Natural for Good Health Go Natural for Good Health
Published: 17 October 2023 17 October 2023

Pollen, Pumpkin Seeds and the Male Prostate

We would little suspect that pollen and pumpkin seeds have something in common. They have both been used at times to help heal the prostate gland enlargement that men tend to develop in mid-life.

That probably sounds too good to be true. However, in countries where men eat raw pumpkin seeds throughout their life the incidence of benign prostatic hypertrophy (the medical term for such swelling), develops with far less frequency.

Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc. Zinc has been used in nutritional therapy for this condition because the prostate gland normally contains one of the highest concentrations of zinc in the body.

As men age, their levels of zinc begin to deplete. This gland is one of the first major areas to show symptoms of this depletion.

Some researchers found evidence that pumpkin seed oil contains a substance that reduces a protein-binding chemical which is a major cause of enlargement of the prostate. The oil has improved symptoms and the quality of life of men who took it regularly.

Another cause of prostate enlargement is a build-up of a metabolite of the male hormone, testosterone. Dihydrotestosterone seems to trigger excess growth of this gland. Pumpkin seed oil blocks this conversion thereby protecting the prostate.

Pollen extracts are almost equal to prescription drugs in effectiveness. In studies in Great Britain, Sweden and Japan, men who took pollen extract daily for over 12 weeks had great relief of symptoms. Less nighttime bathroom trips, less sense of urgency and discomfort on urination.

.  (Some people are allergic to pollen.)
Clark, Linda, M.A., Stay Young Longer.  NY: Pyramid, 1975.  103.
Bricklin, Mark.  The Practical Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. Emmaus: Rodale  1976.“Pumpkin Seed Benefits For Prostate Health: Can They Help?” “How Pollen Can Improve Prostate Health.”