Category: Undeniably Right Undeniably Right
Published: 13 October 2023 13 October 2023

It saddens me to see the demonstrations in support of the terrorist attacks upon Israel taking place in our country. The indoctrination, especially of our young people, has prevented them from knowing all of the facts about the Palestinian and Israel relationship as well as who Hamas and other terror groups really are.

To compare the relationship between the Israelis and Palestinians to the apartheid policies of the South African government is a lie. Not a misrepresentation or interpretation of the facts, it is an outright lie designed to create an emotional picture in the outside world that can be used to garner support terrorist activities.

Palestinians and Israelis have not only coexisted peacefully in the West Bank area but they live together, they work together, their children go to school together. Palestinians enter Israel every day to go to work. They can also own businesses in Israel. Local schools admit Arab students, it's not unusual for 40% of the student body to be Arab. As usual the people get along, while others with an agenda create the division and hatred.

Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people. They are not freedom fighters or revolutionaries in any way shape or form as many in America think they are. They're quite simply terrorists whose sole purpose is to destroy Israel and the western world. They want to impose their version of Islam and Islamic law upon the rest of us. They will do this by any means necessary. It is a goal they share with Hezbollah, Iran, Isis, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and many other extremist Islamic groups. Don’t be fooled, while many of these groups do not like each other, they are united in their hatred for Israel and the United States in particular and will work together to destroy us.

Those that support the attack or claim to “understand” the frustration and desires of the Palestinian people are supporting the worst kind of terrorism. Like some of you, I have listened to the stories and seen the videos of the attack by Hamas. They were not there to militarily engage Israel; they were there to kill innocent civilians especially women, children, and the defenseless. I have read and listened to a number of statements from Islamic leaders who have justified the killing, the rape, the lynching, the beheading of babies. The story that is being told by those that were hiding in bunkers prove that Hamas was there to kidnap and kill civilians.

Israel is prepared to attack Gaza City. They have warned the citizens in that area that the attack is coming and they should leave. Hamas will not allow them to leave and they will put innocent civilians and those they kidnapped in between the Israeli forces and themselves. Even if you were right about the abuse committed by Israel against the Palestinians, you must divorce yourself from them because of the atrocities they have committed. There are times when we can support a cause but cannot support the leaders, in fact your support of the cause should be paused because of their actions. By giving legitimacy to the cause without any condemnation, you are in fact supporting the atrocities.

The intelligence community especially in America has told a story of ignorance. They did not see this attack coming and we are to believe that Israel did not either. There are credible reports from media sources in the Middle East that Egypt warned Israel and the United states of a pending attack three days prior. Iranian officials confirmed that they have been training Hamas terrorists for over a year inside Iran. I find it hard to believe that the intelligence communities failed in such spectacular fashion.

To claim that there is no credible proof Iran has trained and provided significant assistance to Hamas is journalistic malpractice by the media and the lies of propaganda from our government. Coupled with the claimed failure of the intelligence communities, you must ask the question, what is really going on? I can tell you that the most probable answers to that question are scary.

Someone in power wants this conflict to escalate and include the entire Middle East. Someone wants an attack upon Iran. There is a united voice among Islamic clerics and governments in the Middle East calling for a day of jihad around the world. That day is today. We certainly have to be concerned because of the number of military aged single men that have poured across our border over the last 2 1/2 years. Arabs and Chinese alike who have strong ties economically and militarily and share a desire to destroy the United States and our way of life. If it actually happens, it will be a rude awakening for our fellow Americans that support Palestine and I do not trust our government to protect us. Even if it doesn't happen, something larger is coming and I do not trust this administration to protect our interests in any credible and effective way.