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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}I believe what I say and believe I am right. Thus, the title of my column, Undeniably Right. Take it as you will, that I'm a conservative or I have a huge ego and believe I am always correct. Sometimes those things overlap, sometimes not.
Mike Rowse
[Editor's Note: As this is a repost due to the website crashing Saturday night, I did not proof this one, so there may be errors. If I can figure them out, you can.]
This is one of those columns where I will ask you to do your best to not form a final opinion until you have read the entire column. We should always avoid jumping to conclusions but sometimes it's a little bit harder to do because the topic might be somewhat emotional or offensive.
The state legislature in Illinois will be considering a bill entitled the Sex Workers Protection Act. In short, the bill will legalize prostitution. The proponents of the bill correctly state that prostitution being conducted illegally promotes abuse of women, transgender and yes men who can be prostitutes. It promotes sex trafficking and the abuse of the prostitutes. Often the prostitutes are coerced into becoming sex workers and remain so under threats of violence or by getting them addicted to drugs.
5osted first time on Feb. 24, 2026
Peter Baker of the New York Times is leading the charge of the meme brigade lambasting President Trump for his statements about the Ukrainian war and the dictator Volodimir Zelensky. It is easy to contradict his claims by reading his own paper. The Times Moscow Bureau Chief Anton Troianovski, laid out not only the reasons for the war, but also the actions taken by Zelinsky that made him a dictator.
Just a quick history of what led us to this conflict. While the tension between the Ukraine and Russia has simmered since the fall of the Soviet Union, things begin to come to ahead in 2014. Russian nationalists in the Ukraine, especially in the Donbas region, conducted a mini coup declaring independence from the Ukraine and joining Russia. It wasn't until 2022 that Russia actually invaded Ukrainian territory.
It would appear that it's time for a civics lesson for the American people. No doubt you have heard the constant drum beat of complaining from the entrenched bureaucracy and their friends in the propaganda media. We have been told we are suffering through a constitutional crisis especially because Elon Musk is cutting programs and spending without having been elected. Some of you have probably forgotten the lessons you learned in civics while others don't even know what a civics class is. It's not about a car manufactured by Honda just in case you were wondering.
Members of Congress are scrambling like roaches in a room when the light is turned on. Elon Musk is exposing the wasteful spending, illegal spending, and the general lack of oversight when it comes to spending our money. While we have all known that this existed for decades, the politicians believe this time we are paying attention because of Donald Trump and Elon Musk. This time they believe we are actually going to demand something be done.
USAID has become the poster child of wasteful spending and graft. But the Department of Energy typifies the failure to follow the law when issuing payments. Former secretary of energy, Jennifer Granholm, oversaw an agency that failed to obtain required documentation for the multibillion dollar loan guarantee program created by the inflation reduction act which is more appropriately known as the green new energy act.
Gee, I wonder what they are?
Once again there is so much going on in our world that it's time for a random thoughts and observations column.
I find it interesting that so many of the left-wing progressives are more upset with President Trump and Elon Musk for exposing the fraud and waste in our government then they are at the people who have abused their authority and misspent our tax dollars. That's what emotional thinking combined with ignorance produces.
I guess we're about to find out what world we live in.
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