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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}I believe what I say and believe I am right. Thus, the title of my column, Undeniably Right. Take it as you will, that I'm a conservative or I have a huge ego and believe I am always correct. Sometimes those things overlap, sometimes not.
Mike Rowse
Members of Congress are scrambling like roaches in a room when the light is turned on. Elon Musk is exposing the wasteful spending, illegal spending, and the general lack of oversight when it comes to spending our money. While we have all known that this existed for decades, the politicians believe this time we are paying attention because of Donald Trump and Elon Musk. This time they believe we are actually going to demand something be done.
USAID has become the poster child of wasteful spending and graft. But the Department of Energy typifies the failure to follow the law when issuing payments. Former secretary of energy, Jennifer Granholm, oversaw an agency that failed to obtain required documentation for the multibillion dollar loan guarantee program created by the inflation reduction act which is more appropriately known as the green new energy act.
Gee, I wonder what they are?
Once again there is so much going on in our world that it's time for a random thoughts and observations column.
I find it interesting that so many of the left-wing progressives are more upset with President Trump and Elon Musk for exposing the fraud and waste in our government then they are at the people who have abused their authority and misspent our tax dollars. That's what emotional thinking combined with ignorance produces.
I guess we're about to find out what world we live in.
You have probably seen the articles or the social media posts claiming that black women are the most educated demographic group in America. Often the post will say that black women have more masters or doctoral degrees than anybody else. The claim is partially true, But only if you present the data in a very specific way. Making the claim that black women are the most educated demographic in America is very misleading.
One other observation about the people making the claim: I've seen a number of black women say that they were not hired because of DEI programs but because they are more qualified. So why are you so upset that the federal government and many private institutions are eliminating DEI programs? You did not benefit from them according to your statement so the elimination of those programs has no negative effect upon you.
In the past when I have used the term snowflake, I have generally been describing young people that can't seem to deal with life. They are soft, easily offended, display a victim mentality. I think we're going to have to expand that definition to include people of all ages. From the propaganda media talk shows all the way to social media influencers, the number of people who truly believe that they are going to be somehow targeted by the Trump administration or the 'far right wing' Maga supporters has grown exponentially. They are having severe emotional breakdowns.
As you can imagine I have several thoughts and observations about the current fires in Los Angeles. Once again, I'm going to put some observations out there that may label me as a conspiracy theorist, but I believe there are questions that have to be asked. The answers don't necessarily lead us to a vast conspiracy designed to take property from private citizens and transfer it to the very wealthy, favored corporations, and those that control government for purposes they deem to be proper. See Governor Newsom's plan for Los Angeles 2.0.
Newsom's plan to build back better seems to center around a couple of things. The newest iteration of a high-speed rail system goes right through the Pacific Palisades. Those houses needed to be gone. The vision he has put into print and motion for Los Angeles is the proverbial 15-minute city. One that promises everything you need within walking distance of your government-assigned residence. One in which you cannot leave your neighborhood or as we might call it in a dystopian science fiction movie, your sector. Yet the political and business elite live in mansions where they enjoy special privileges.
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