Mike Mustang

I believe what I say and believe I am right. Thus, the title of my column, Undeniably Right. Take it as you will, that I'm a conservative or I have a huge ego and believe I am always correct. Sometimes those things overlap, sometimes not.

Mike Rowse

Bullies Are Running the Middle East

Hmmm. Which ones are the bullies?

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Indoctrination of Our Youth

Proponents of critical race theory will tell you all they care about is relating an accurate picture of history. They want to relate to students the actual history of how minorities were treated in this country, primarily by white people. On its face, that sounds good. Who doesn't want an accurate depiction of history to be taught to our children? But as with most things that the radical progressives promote, that is not their real agenda. All you have do is look at the practical application of their stated agenda.

Like many people, I have read a lot of the legislation, lesson plans, and reviewed many of the books that would be used to accomplish their goal. That includes the proposal put together but our current Lieutenant governor in New Mexico. What those documents stated did add some historical facts and information that likely was not being taught on a significant basis in our schools. But as with most proposed plans to promote critical race theory, it's clear that their only goal is to divide us into two groups: the oppressed and their oppressors. They can only do that by omitting significant events in history.

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The Lesson of My Money Tree

Hmmm. Sounds intriguing.

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Let the Bigots Speak

FBI Director Christopher Wray said antisemitism is growing in America. Is he right? I'm not so sure.

Antisemitism has always been present, as has bigotry against other demographic groups, much of which has remained unspoken. Is it more likely that people feel freer to express their bigotry? Maybe the media is covering it more closely. I tend to think it's a combination of all three.

I think most of us agree those with bigoted opinions are more comfortable in expressing their hatred. Stuart Seldowitz, 64, who worked for the State Department and the National Security Council during the Obama administration has been arrested after videos showing him making hateful remarks towards a food cart vendor were made public. The young man was apparently of Arabic descent; Seldowotiz made comments about the man being here illegally, that he hated Jews, that he should die, and more.

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Admit You Are Wrong

I'm going to listen to figure out what I'm going to admit being wrong about.

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Michigan Football Punished Without Due Process

Presumably for their coach?

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Where Are All the Jews?

Good question. Let's listen and find out.

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October 18, 2023: Nary a Mention of Its Importance

October 18, 2023, was a significant day in our history. Yet that day passed with hardly a mention of its importance to not only the American people, but the entire world. It's probably not surprising given that the significance of that day benefits America's enemies. Given the lack of truthful reporting about how America's actions have led to the situation in the Middle East, it's not surprising the propaganda arm of the federal government would ignore the events of October 18th.

There is no doubt that Joe Biden’s attempts to appease Iran by refusing to enforce nominations and unfreezing assets gave Iran the ability to train and arm Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups in the region. Having access to over $100 billion took the focus of the grand poohbahs running Iran off of survival and allowed them to re-engage in terrorist activities.

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