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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}You'll receive the Update on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Fair Driving Conditions in Silver City Area
Silver City is reporting mountain roadways NM 15 amd NM 152 as wet with a light snow. Please drive with caution, reduce speed, and obey all posted traffic signs. The NMDOT is monitoring conditions. This event will be updated as conditions change.
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a work session meeting February 3, 2025. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, Mayor Pro Tem Guadalupe Cano, Nicholas Prince, Rudy Bencomo and Stan Snider.
They started the meeting out with public input on the proposed notice of intent to adopt an ordinance for the citizens' advisory board. Ladner let them know they each had three minutes to make their statement. He asked them to make the comments brief and to the point.
Police Chief Freddie Portillo spoke to the council and thanked them for the opportunity to speak. He reminded the community the police work for them and having a good working relationship and gathering community input would be invaluable. "The community does and always will come first. However, I do not support this notice of intent." The community as a whole provides oversight.
Uplands of the Bootheel-Eastern Black Range Foothills-Southern
Gila Region Highlands/Black Range-
Including the cities of Kingston, Lake Roberts, Winston,
Hillsboro, and Cloverdale
154 PM MST Thu Feb 13 2025
* WHAT...West winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected.
* WHERE...Higher elevations of the Gila Region, especially above
6500 feet, and the east slopes of the Black Range in southwestern New Mexico.
Removed difficult driving conditions on I-10, NM 549, and NM 11.
Difficult Driving Conditions in Deming Area
NM 549 from milepost 10 to 24 has areas of blowing dust with limited visibility. The NMDOT will continue monitoring the roadway. This event will be updated as conditions change.
Difficult Driving Conditions in Deming Area
I-10 westbound lanes at milepost 132 are now open. Removed from NM Roads.
ROAD CLOSURE in Las Cruces
I-10 westbound lanes are closed at milepost 132 (west of Las Cruces) due to blowing dust and no visibility, all I-10 traffic being rerouted back to Las Cruces. The NMDOT will continue monitoring the roadway. This event will be updated as conditions change.
NM 549 and NM 11 are now open, removed from NM Roads.
I-10 eastbound lanes are now open, removed from NM Roads.
I-10 eastbound is closed at milepost 85 (Deming East) no detour on NM 549, all traffic must exit into Deming. Areas have low to zero visibility due blowing dust. The NMDOT will continue monitoring the roadway. This event will be updated as conditions change.
CRASH – Deming Area
NM 549 is closed from milepost 0 (Deming) to 31(I-10 exit 116) due to crash. Motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and watch for emergency personnel, and equipment. Please expect delays.
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