Editorial content. Content posted here may or may not reflect the opinions of the Beat. They reflect the opinions of the author.

New Mexicans should Choose the Vehicles that Work for Them

By Paul J. Gessing

An unelected board called the Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) is currently accepting public comments to determine whether New Mexicans have the freedom to move around this big, beautiful state (or not). We have created a website to help average New Mexicans defend that right. Go to: KeepYourCarsNM.com.

The Governor is pushing regulations which would force New Mexicans to buy vastly more electric vehicles than they currently do. If adopted 82% of the vehicles sold in our State will have to be electric within a few short years. There is nothing inherently wrong with electric vehicles, but their purchase should be a personal choice. Currently, (99.2%) of New Mexicans choose gas powered cars. Public polls find that strong majorities of Americans have no plans to buy an electric car.

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New Mexicans should Choose the Vehicles that Work for Them

By Paul J. Gessing

An unelected board called the Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) is currently accepting public comments to determine whether New Mexicans have the freedom to move around this big, beautiful state (or not). We have created a website to help average New Mexicans defend that right. Go to: KeepYourCarsNM.com.

The Governor is pushing regulations which would force New Mexicans to buy vastly more electric vehicles than they currently do. If adopted 82% of the vehicles sold in our State will have to be electric within a few short years. There is nothing inherently wrong with electric vehicles, but their purchase should be a personal choice. Currently, (99.2%) of New Mexicans choose gas powered cars. Public polls find that strong majorities of Americans have no plans to buy an electric car.

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Federal government shouldn't dictate credit card fees

By Julie Wright

There is a legislative effort underway in Congress that, if passed, would impose federal price controls and routing mandates on the credit card industry. While some businesses believe they would benefit from a forced reduction in credit card fees, this legislation would have negative impacts on all New Mexicans, including those businesses.

As someone who manages a small business with a lot of credit card transactions myself, I understand the impact of credit card fees on my company's bottom line, but (like a vast majority of other businesses) I'd rather dramatically expand the number of customers I serve and make them happy than limit my company to cash and other forms of payment.

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Why not ban cars?

Everyday I see news articles from around the Country about banning firearms or magazines or both. Recently Governor Grisham issued an illegal thirty (30) day ban on all firearms carried (on person) in Bernalillo County as a "Public Health Order."

Daily I also see news articles from around the Country about traffic crashes that kill someone. Some involve a person under the influence, some intentional, some disgruntled, some accidental, some sleepy/tired and some with no explanation known.

I went outside to my driveway. I set several of my firearms down on the ground next to my truck (Ford F-350). I observed both my truck and firearms all day. Neither tried to kill me or anybody else. You know why, they are both machines! Neither do anything, without SOMEBODY purposely following a set of operating mechanisms to make them work. On their own, they are pieces of metal, plastic and whatever else. I thought WOW, if a gun is responsible for a person's death why isn't a vehicle.

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Gov's Disdain for Democracy Nothing New

By Paul J. Gessing

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham recently gained national headlines for her public health order which essentially banned carrying a gun in Bernalillo County, the State's largest county by population. Her justification for this dramatic action was a recent shooting outside Isotopes Park, but residents of Bernalillo County and Albuquerque face and have faced these issues for years.

Each time a criminal uses a gun to kill or steal it is frustrating and sad event. Both the causes and solutions are complicated and controversial. No matter the crisis one person (including the Gov.) cannot simply suspend the rule of law and the US Constitution.

Many New Mexicans like me believe Albuquerque's crime problem is the result of weak leadership at multiple levels: The City fails to enforce the law, Department of Justice policies further hamstring the police, "catch and release" judges that voters (sadly) keep electing, and an unwillingness of the Gov. and Legislature to pass laws addressing our serious crime problems. And those are just the public policy failures, not the societal ones.

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Reduce Dropout Rate and Absenteeism by Making High School Relevant

By Mandi Torrez
To understand why students drop out of high school, researchers funded by the Gates Foundation hit upon a novel idea several years ago: why not just ask the dropouts?

So they did. Nearly half (47%) of the respondents reported dropping out because they were bored. Their top suggestion to help students stay: make school more engaging and enhance the connection between classroom and work. In other words, make the curriculum relevant.

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Time for All-of-the-Above Approach to Education

By Paul J. Gessing

New Mexico should be in crisis mode. Our K-12 education system is certainly facing a crisis. Problems abound: recent reports highlight serious school attendance issues, the NAEP (known as the “Nation’s Report Card” test places New Mexico 52nd across ALL age groups and subjects studied, the Kids Count report shows New Mexico kids are losing ground, and no one seems to have a solution. Education spending has increased markedly in recent years with nothing to show for it.

With New Mexico already suffering from poor educational outcomes the COVID pandemic and lockdowns instigated by Gov. Lujan Grisham truly put our children into a crisis. Getting our children out of last place and into something resembling a functional, successful system that prepares them for future success should be THE issue that everyone in New Mexico is concerned with.

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Protecting Consumer Benefits and the Economy: Congress Should Oppose the "Big Box Bill"

By Alonzo Baldonado, NM State Representative and small business owner

In an era marked by uncertainty and economic challenges, it is imperative that our lawmakers make informed decisions that prioritize the well-being of American citizens and the growth of our economy. The proposed "Big Box Bill," aiming to introduce credit card routing mandates akin to those enacted in 2011, raises substantial concerns about its potential repercussions.

While the bill may appear to target fairness and competition, a closer examination reveals that it could inadvertently favor large big box retailers at the expense of customers and the credit card benefits they cherish.

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