Silver City, NM - Most of Grant County's youth keep life in focus by avoiding the misuse of prescription drugs. The Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (YSAPC) wants to reward these youth with a chance to highlight the activities and hobbies that help them keep life in focus with a chance at over $600 in prizes.

The YSAPC is asking Grant County youth between the ages of 12 and 25 to share a photograph to answer the question: What's your anti-drug? Youth can either share the photograph on social media, with their parents' or guardians' permission, or submit a photograph electronically or in print directly to YSAPC. Entries must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, June 30, 2017. The coalition will award nine prizes ranging from $100 to $50 on July 17, 2017. Winning photographs will be shared, and credited, on YSAPC's social media and the community.

"About 89% of Grant County youth reported they don't abuse prescription drugs on the Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey," said Michael McGee, YSAPC coordinator. "YSAPC founded on the idea of promoting healthy environment, that's what most of our youth are living!"

The Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey is a national survey where youth self-report their healthy and not-so healthy-behaviors. In recent years, there has been an increased trend in prescription drug abuse reported among youth, similar to that of the adult population, but YSAPC is working on policies and programs to buck that trend. The recently installed MedReturn medication disposal kiosks in Silver City and Bayard is one such project, which residents used to safely disposed of over 300 pounds of medications over the last year.

All photographs must be original and contain no copyrighted material or images are accepted. No photograph will be accepted if it contains or implies substance abuse or alcohol use or misuse. Studio photos will not be accepted.

For full contest details call the YSAPC office at (575) 597-7118 or email: or visit the YSAPC website at The YSAPC office is located at 214 N. Black St. in Silver City.

The YSAPC is composed of 25 service providers and invested community members dedicated to creating an environment that cultivates healthy productive lifestyles through policy and advocacy change that promotes resilient and empowered youth.

The Coalition is a program of the Town of Silver City, funded by a grant from the New Mexico Office of Substance Abuse Prevention.

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