Washington, D.C. – Congressman Steve Pearce released the following statement after voting to pass the continuing resolution to fund the government through January 19, 2018:

"We have a responsibility in Congress to fund the government, and I could not stand by while Washington votes to shut down operations just one day after passing historic legislation that will revitalize our nation's economy. I am disappointed that as a government, we failed to complete a core responsibility. It is reckless to continue to pass short-term, patchwork spending bills that do little to provide certainty for our government agencies, nation's defense, and businesses. This bill, however, contained important funding for vital programs that affect the day-to-day lives of many people in New Mexico, and across the nation.

By passing this extension today, Congress waives the 'pay-as-you-go' law to prevent a sequester from taking place, ensuring the economy-boosting tax plan will be able to benefit families and businesses across the nation. We are already seeing major support for this tax plan come in from companies announcing new investments in the coming year along with pay raises for U.S. employees. This tax plan, once signed into law, has the ability and strength to significantly benefit New Mexican families, help grow and expand small business, and revitalize our nation's manufacturing industries.

Overall, we cannot lose sight of the bigger picture – people, families, and local job creators in New Mexico will see greater opportunities to keep their hard-earned money once the tax reform gets signed into law. For the first time in 31 years, Congress has delivered necessary tax relief to middle-income people and families who are tired of working hard and seeing little in return. This funding bill, while far from perfect, will ensure that programs – like the Children's Health Insurance Program – will continue to receive the crucial funding they need for people throughout the nation. In the coming weeks, I will continue to work hard with my colleagues to push for the priorities that I was sent here to support for the people of New Mexico."

The U.S. House of Representatives adopted the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 1370 - Further Continuing Resolution. This provides funding of the government through January 19, 2018. It also reauthorizes vital programs like the Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP) through March 31, 2018, along with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the Flood Insurance Program through January 19, 2018. This legislation also includes $2.1 billion to the VA CHOICE Program.

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