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January, 2017
  • New Year's Day Yoga With Melissa Woods  ::  Spiritual


    Location  Lotus Center

  • New Year, New Mind - Meditation for Everyone  ::  Spiritual

    In this six-class series, we will examine the relationship between mind, and the thoughts that arise from mind. Practical, accessible methods for controlling, training, and changing our mind (and thoughts) will be discussed and practiced.   

    Location  Lotus Center

  • The Status of Green Energy in New Mexico  ::  Spiritual

    This Sunday's program will be presented by members of SEED (Securing Economic and Energy Democracy). The presentation will be about the current status of green energy in New Mexico and efforts to eliminate dirty energy production and its terrible offspring, ...   

  • "Unity and Solidarity" - Rev. Lila Azima Forest  ::  Spiritual

    Rev. Azima Lila Forest will discuss what should be done during this time of crisis in our nation. With divisiveness and fear rampant, with whom should we be united? With whom are we in solidarity? It's time to take a ...   

  • Community Kirtin  ::  Spiritual

    Kirtan is a euphoric form of musical chant and meditation in the Sanskrit language, to ancient melodies of Classical India. It's easy and it brings peace -- both inner and outer. Tell and bring your friends!   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact or 575-388-4647

  • Inauguration Day Labyrinth Walk  ::  Spiritual

    The Labyrinth Resource Group in Santa Fe is having an Inauguration Day labyrinth walk. Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths will be open between 10am and noon on 20th January for those who cannot be in Santa Fe and would like to join ...   

    Location  Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths

    Contact  575-313-1002 or or

  • "A Journey to Asylum"  ::  Spiritual

    Kathy Babcock, of the Green Valley/Sahuarita Samaritans group, will trace the two-year, 2.000 mile journey of a family with four young children, who were forced to leave their home and business in Honduras to seek asylum in the United States. ...   

  • Addiction and Aspiration Workshop  ::  Spiritual

    Joni Kay Rose, M.Div., CHT, will lead a workshop applying Buddha’s Four Noble Truths and the Twelve Steps of recovery to help people of all faiths let go of our false self-images that fuel our addictive behavior patterns. Participants will ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

    Contact  575-538-3672 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • "Gospel Mission"  ::  Spiritual

    This fifth Sunday meeting will feature a speaker from the Silver City Gospel Mission with updates on their ongoing efforts to help the homeless and others in need. The offertory will be dedicated to the Mission. There will be coffee ...   

February, 2017
  • Toward the Light Imbolc Ceremony With Dances of Universal Peace  ::  Spiritual

    Spring is Coming!!! Come and join the circle with Darvesha Victoria MacDonald, Barbara Anne Rich and Beatriz Giraldo. Drummer: Bo Brown Celebrating St. Brigid, Imbolc, Candlemas and Groundhog Day (candles provided) Everyone is welcome!   

    Location  Church of Harmony

    Contact  Beatriz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • "A History of HIV/AIDS and Working With Those Affected"  ::  Spiritual

    George Carr and Candice Burke have worked in the fields of law and social work as related to HIV/AIDS. George will talk about the AIDS epidemic in Belle Glade, FL, and the CDC’s actions. Candice will speak about the care ...   

  • Dreams, Your Magic Mirror  ::  Spiritual

    Join Azima Forest for this special 4-class series, which starts on 2/11. The remaining three classes are 2/25, 3/4 & 3/11. Attendance at all four classes not mandatory, although attendance at the first class is required in order to attend ...   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-388-4647 or

  • "Magic Has Consequences" with Rev. Amy Beltaine  ::  Spiritual

    Pagan, indigenous, and earth-relating traditions offer healing messages and inspiration for meaningful action. What can be learned from these spiritual insights and practices, which are both ancient and new? There will be coffee and conversation after the service. Everyone is ...   

  • Community Drumming Circle  ::  Spiritual

    Host: Robert Donnelly. Bring a drum, a rattle, a flute, a didgeridoo, bells... bring a friend... and an open heart. Open to the public; donations accepted.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-388-4647

  • “How You Can Support Change Through Local Government”  ::  Spiritual

    Alicia Edwards, who was just elected to the Grant County Board of Commissioners, will speak on her belief in the UU principles of "the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society ...   

  • Community Kirtan  ::  Spiritual

    Join Manda Clair for an evening of musical chanting and singing to the ancient melodies of Classical India. It's easy and it brings peace. No experience necessary; everyone is welcome! Donations accepted.   

    Location  Lotus Center

    Contact  575-388-4647

  • "All About Mardi Gras" With Bayou Seco  ::  Spiritual

    Silver City residents, Ken Keppler and Jeanie McLerie will lead the discussion about the medieval history, Christian and Pagan customs revolving around the return of spring. The music of these worldwide celebrations, including participation by attendees, will be a glorious ...   

March, 2017
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