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February, 2017
March, 2017
April, 2017
  • Kite Fly and Tailgate Picnic  ::  Rural Roads

    Admission is free. There will be a free raffle drawing for a kite at 2.30pm, so be sure to pick up your raffle ticket on arrival at the gate with the labyrinth sign. We provide water, kite mending supplies, a Johnny ...   

    Location  Whitewater Mesa Labyrinths

    Contact or 575-313-1002

  • Dutch Oven Gathering  ::  Rural Roads

    Expect a full day of fun & food ! We need cooks & vendors to sign-up. Please share this information with your friends. Contact: Molly Bryan or 575-539-2714, 575-574-7704   

    Location  Glenwood Community Park

    Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 575-539-2714 or 575-574-7704

  • Willow Tank Restoration Restoration Open House  ::  Rural Roads

    (9:00-11:00am AZ Time) Willow Tank, renowned as an internationally-recognized hot spot for viewing rare bird species, has been restored to support species using the flyway between the Chiricahua and Peloncillo Mountains. The approximately one-acre pond, owned by rancher Larry Rivers and managed ...   

    Location  Cave Creek Canyon

    Contact  650-207-9304 or 520-558-2334

June, 2017
  • Archaeology Fair in Cliff  ::  Rural Roads

    Tour ongoing excavations at Gila River Farm archaeological site and hear about the latest discoveries.  Free activities for kids and adults. Directions: From the junction of Hwy 180 and 211 in Cliff, drive 1 mile north; go left (north) on Hwy ...   

    Location  Gila River Farm

July, 2017
  • Guided Tour of Mattocks Archaeological Site  ::  Rural Roads

    Bill Hudson will lead a tour of the Mattocks Site, an old archaeological study area. Meet at the Museum on the porch with your walking shoes and hat. The tour also includes the 1882 Dr. Granville Wood doctor's office and ...   

    Location  Mimbres Culture Heritage Site

September, 2017
  • Bush Valley Craft Club Annual Christmas Bazaar  ::  Rural Roads

    Alpine Community Center located next to the Alpine Library off Highway 180, in Alpine, AZ. Club members have been creating all types of beautiful and interesting items for this annual event. In addition to the craft sale, there will also ...   

    Location  Alpine Community Center

This calendar will feature events and happenings in SW New Mexico and SE Arizona. 

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