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June, 2024
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship “Silver City Food Co-op”  ::  Public Meetings

    Kevin Waters, General Manager of the Silver City Food Co-op, will talk about about the Co-op’s progress and expectations on their move to a new location at 907 Pope Street. “The Silver City Food Co-op is celebrating its 50th anniversary ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • Gila Wilderness Centennial Week  ::  Public Meetings

    Matinee screening of Gila Film Festival, featuring seven films created by 13 talented New Mexico State University students who participated in an immersive, two-semester program focused on the Gila Wilderness. These films will tell compelling stories reflecting the unique natural, ...   

    Location  Silco Theater

  • Recovery Dharma Meets Weekly  ::  Public Meetings

    Recovery Dharma offers an approach to recovery (from addiction) based on Buddhist principles* Our program is peer-led and non-theistic. We welcome all those who wish to pursue recovery as part of our community. *The principles are the four noble truths ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • School Superintendent Will Hawkins to speak to Rotary  ::  Public Meetings

    Will Hawkins, Superintendent of Silver City Schools, will speak to Rotary,highlighting the critical facility needs and deferred maintenance issues facing our schools. The event will take place  at the WNMU Student Memorial Building, Second Floor, Sunset Room. Full press release:    

    Location  WNMU Student Memorial Building

  • PFLAG Guest Speakers  ::  Public Meetings

    Levi Phillips and Asher Gibson, the newest board members for PFLAG Silver City, will be the guest speakers at the regular meeting at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 3845 N. Swan. The public is invited, and light refreshments will be served. Both ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensible)  ::  Public Meetings

    Meets on Thursdays  -  Weigh in: 5:15 to 5:30 PM  -  Meeting: 5:30 to 6:25 PM TOPS is a support group for your journey to a healthier life style. Meets at the American Legion on College Ave.  Enter through the rear ...   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  Judith Stanfield at 505 934-1339

  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship "DEI: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”  ::  Public Meetings

    John Bush will do a presentation on the importance and value of diversity. As Vice-President of Software Development, Bush is a senior leader in a large technology company that places a priority on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Full press release:    

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • Silver City Food Co-op Annual Member Meeting and 50th Anniversary Celebration  ::  Public Meetings

    This free event is open to Silver City Food Co-op members only. Annual Co-op memberships will be available for purchase at the event for $20 (Membership comes with 7 shopping trips at 10% discount) Full press release:    

    Location  Gough Park

  • Recovery Dharma Meets Weekly  ::  Public Meetings

    Recovery Dharma offers an approach to recovery (from addiction) based on Buddhist principles* Our program is peer-led and non-theistic. We welcome all those who wish to pursue recovery as part of our community. *The principles are the four noble truths ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • Ambercare and Silver City Womans Club starting bereavement group   ::  Public Meetings

    This group will be free and open to the public, no prior relationship with Ambercare is necessary to participate.  Our first meeting will be March 11th with consecutive meetings the second Monday of every month.  See flyer:    

    Location  Silver City Women's Club

  • TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensible)  ::  Public Meetings

    Meets on Thursdays  -  Weigh in: 5:15 to 5:30 PM  -  Meeting: 5:30 to 6:25 PM TOPS is a support group for your journey to a healthier life style. Meets at the American Legion on College Ave.  Enter through the rear ...   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  Judith Stanfield at 505 934-1339

  • Recovery Dharma Meets Weekly  ::  Public Meetings

    Recovery Dharma offers an approach to recovery (from addiction) based on Buddhist principles* Our program is peer-led and non-theistic. We welcome all those who wish to pursue recovery as part of our community. *The principles are the four noble truths ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensible)  ::  Public Meetings

    Meets on Thursdays  -  Weigh in: 5:15 to 5:30 PM  -  Meeting: 5:30 to 6:25 PM TOPS is a support group for your journey to a healthier life style. Meets at the American Legion on College Ave.  Enter through the rear ...   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  Judith Stanfield at 505 934-1339

  • Recovery Dharma Meets Weekly  ::  Public Meetings

    Recovery Dharma offers an approach to recovery (from addiction) based on Buddhist principles* Our program is peer-led and non-theistic. We welcome all those who wish to pursue recovery as part of our community. *The principles are the four noble truths ...   

    Location  3845 N Swan Street

  • TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensible)  ::  Public Meetings

    Meets on Thursdays  -  Weigh in: 5:15 to 5:30 PM  -  Meeting: 5:30 to 6:25 PM TOPS is a support group for your journey to a healthier life style. Meets at the American Legion on College Ave.  Enter through the rear ...   

    Location  American Legion Post 18

    Contact  Judith Stanfield at 505 934-1339

July, 2024
  • Ambercare and Silver City Womans Club starting bereavement group   ::  Public Meetings

    This group will be free and open to the public, no prior relationship with Ambercare is necessary to participate.  Our first meeting will be March 11th with consecutive meetings the second Monday of every month.  See flyer:    

    Location  Silver City Women's Club

  • Hummingbird Festival Mimbres Culture Heritage Site  ::  Public Meetings

    Hummingbird Festival Mimbres Culture Heritage Site 12 Sage Drive, just off Hwy 35 - 7:30 Hummingbird catch and release; Speaker education after Festival 9-3Vendors, ice cream sale, music, food, fun! Press release:    

    Location  Mimbres Cultural Heritage Site

    Contact  575.536.3092

  • Hummingbird Festival Mimbres Culture Heritage Site  ::  Public Meetings

    Hummingbird Festival Mimbres Culture Heritage Site 12 Sage Drive, just off Hwy 35 - 7:30 Hummingbird catch and release; Speaker education after Festival 9-3Vendors, ice cream sale, music, food, fun! Press release:    

    Location  Mimbres Cultural Heritage Site

    Contact  575.536.3092

August, 2024
  • Ambercare and Silver City Womans Club starting bereavement group   ::  Public Meetings

    This group will be free and open to the public, no prior relationship with Ambercare is necessary to participate.  Our first meeting will be March 11th with consecutive meetings the second Monday of every month.  See flyer:    

    Location  Silver City Women's Club

September, 2024
  • Ambercare and Silver City Womans Club starting bereavement group   ::  Public Meetings

    This group will be free and open to the public, no prior relationship with Ambercare is necessary to participate.  Our first meeting will be March 11th with consecutive meetings the second Monday of every month.  See flyer:    

    Location  Silver City Women's Club

Content on the Beat

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