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September, 2024
  • Silver City Public Library Free Library Card Replacement  ::  Education

    The Silver City Public Library will have free library card replacement days on Monday, September 16 through Saturday, September 21, in celebration of Library Card Sign-up Month. If you have lost your card, the free card replacement days are a ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Grant County Fair  ::  Education

    See pdf schedule of events     

    Location  Grant County Fair Grounds

  • Silver City Public Library Free Library Card Replacement  ::  Education

    The Silver City Public Library will have free library card replacement days on Monday, September 16 through Saturday, September 21, in celebration of Library Card Sign-up Month. If you have lost your card, the free card replacement days are a ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Grant County Fair  ::  Education

    See pdf schedule of events     

    Location  Grant County Fair Grounds

  • WNMU to Host Conference on Play Based Learning in Early Childhood Education  ::  Education

    Kristen R. B. Peterson is the retired founder of Butterfly Hill Nature Preschool. In her quest to create a place full of play, learning, nature and emotions, Kristen discovered that play based learning is a must for all early childhood ...   

    Location  WNMU Light Hall

  • book launch reading from Buddha's Cat and poetry workshop  ::  Education

    A book launch reading from Buddha's Cat  and poetry workshop with Santa Fe poet Wayne Lee Reading at 1 p.m. Open mic from 2-2:30. Workshop from 2:30-4 p.m. Full press release       

    Location  Church of Harmony

  • Chiricahua Apache Sacred Origins and Lifeways  ::  Education

    As part of the Chiricahua Apache "Sacred Origins and Lifeways Art Exhibition" we invite you to a special talk by Nde Chiricahua Apache Ikigee Tooahyaysay, Bill Bradford. He'll share insights about the exhibit, the Nde People's (Chiricahua Apache) History, current ...   

    Location  Light Art Space

  • Family Genealogy Free Assistance for Everyone  ::  Education

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Offers free research assistance to the Community Please Join Us Tuesdays from 1-3 pm. And Wednesdays from 4-8 pm. Our Family Search Library is located in the Southwest corner of the Church Building ...   

    Contact  Randy Roth ph. 575 263-1830

  • Lunch & Learn local nature writer Sharman Russell   ::  Education

    "What Walks This Way: Discovering the Wildlife Around Us Through Their Tracks and Signs". Full press release       

    Location  WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center

  • Computer Class-Basics Silver City Public Library  ::  Education

    The Silver City Public Library will hold a computer class covering the most essential parts of computer usage for beginners such as mouse usage, keyboard usage, and file and folder structure. Class size is limited, so sign up in person ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Family Genealogy Free Assistance for Everyone  ::  Education

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Offers free research assistance to the Community Please Join Us Tuesdays from 1-3 pm. And Wednesdays from 4-8 pm. Our Family Search Library is located in the Southwest corner of the Church Building ...   

    Contact  Randy Roth ph. 575 263-1830

  • Budgeting Fundamentals Event  ::  Education

    Literacy – Link – Leamos & First Financial Credit UnionPresent a  Budgeting Fundamentals EventCall for information: 575-388-0892This workshop is free and will run about 3 hours.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Chiricahua Apache National Foundation live radio conversations slated  ::  Education

    Chiricahua Apache National Foundation to participate in live radio conversations on the powwow and current issues.See pdf flyer:   

  • Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective Helps Community Members Mend Clothes  ::  Education

    The Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective (SWFAC) in collaboration with the Future Forge Makerspace, is starting an outreach program to help community members have clothes mended and learn how to mend clothes. This free program will be held at the ...   

    Location  Future Forge Maker Space

  • St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church History  ::  Education

    Dr. Donald Montoya will begin with a presentation on the history of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church. Immediately following, the birthday celebration will serve ice cream and cake in the church courtyard. After cake and ice cream, games for ...   

    Location  St. Vincent de Paul

October, 2024
  • Family Genealogy Free Assistance for Everyone  ::  Education

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Offers free research assistance to the Community Please Join Us Tuesdays from 1-3 pm. And Wednesdays from 4-8 pm. Our Family Search Library is located in the Southwest corner of the Church Building ...   

    Contact  Randy Roth ph. 575 263-1830

  • Silver City Public Library Open Technology Lab  ::  Education

     Silver City Public Library open technology lab. Anyone can drop in and ask any tech question, no registration required. Participants are invited to bring their own devices. Look for this tech help opportunity on the first Wednesday of each month! ...   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

  • Family Genealogy Free Assistance for Everyone  ::  Education

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Offers free research assistance to the Community Please Join Us Tuesdays from 1-3 pm. And Wednesdays from 4-8 pm. Our Family Search Library is located in the Southwest corner of the Church Building ...   

    Contact  Randy Roth ph. 575 263-1830

  • Family Genealogy Free Assistance for Everyone  ::  Education

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Offers free research assistance to the Community Please Join Us Tuesdays from 1-3 pm. And Wednesdays from 4-8 pm. Our Family Search Library is located in the Southwest corner of the Church Building ...   

    Contact  Randy Roth ph. 575 263-1830

  • Computer Class-Email and Internet Basics SC Public Library  ::  Education

    The Silver City Public Library will hold a computer class, covering the basics of using email and internet, including internet safety tips. Class size is limited, so sign up in person at the library or over the phone at 575-538-3672.   

    Location  Silver City Public Library

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