Bill will add teeth to ineffective current law
Santa Fe, NM -Legislation to reform New Mexico's
...Bill will add teeth to ineffective current law
Santa Fe, NM -Legislation to reform New Mexico's
...Santa Fe, NM - Senate Boss Michael Sanchez had a lot to get off his chest during yesterday's
...(Santa Fe) - The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD) will be participating in Senior
...Santa Fe, NM - Following the Governor's State of the State Address House Majority Leader Nate
...Santa Fe, NM - Rep. Nate Gentry pre-filed an appropriations request to develop a real-time
...Santa Fe, NM - Today, Rep. Conrad James pre-filed legislation, HB 145, which would allow
...Santa Fe, NM - Today, Rep. Jim Dines pre-filed House Joint Resolution 5 that would give New Mexico
...Santa Fe, NM -Rep. Conrad James pre-filed legislation, HB 120, which would ensure visitation
...Santa Fe, NM - Rep. Sarah Maestas Barnes pre-filed two appropriations requests to help bring
...Santa Fe, NM - Today, Rep. David Adkins pre-filed a bill that will better protect New Mexico's
...Santa Fe, NM - Rep. Kelly Fajardo pre-filed legislation, HB 30, that would close a dangerous
...Santa Fe, NM - Rep. Sharon Clahchischilliage pre-filed legislation to protect children from sexual
...Santa Fe, NM - Reps. Paul Pacheco and Andy Nunez pre-filed legislation that will end the dangerous
...Santa Fe, NM - Today, Rep. Jim Smith pre-filed HB 105, legislation that would update the Secretary of
...Santa Fe, NM - Today, Rep. Nate Gentry pre-filed legislation to increase penalties for criminals who
...HB55 resolves the conflict between the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states:
State Capitol - Room 322 - Santa Fe, New Mexico January 18, 2016
n++Monday, January 18
Santa Fe, NM - Rep. Nate Gentry pre-filed a bill today aimed at keeping individuals who may pose a
...Santa Fe, NM - Speaker of the House Don Tripp sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Michael
...Santa Fe, NM - Legislation that would toughen the punishment for repeat drunk drivers who continue
...The bill will qualify repeat drunk drivers under the Habitual Offenders statute.
Santa Fe, NM -
...New Mexico Representative Miguel Garcia pre-filed House Bill 51, the Firearms Transfer Act. The
...Santa Fe, NM - Today, Representative Conrad James pre-filed two bills to strengthen protections
...Santa Fe, NM - It's been almost two weeks since the start of the 2016 Legislative Session. House
...Santa Fe, NM -Rep. Paul Pacheco's bipartisan bill to reform New Mexico's "three strikes" law
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