Libertarian Leanings is a column by by Peter Burrows, who blogs at and can be reached at

It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Grant County Beat.

Latest Libertarian Leanings

[Editor's Note: this editor did not approve the title. Read with an open mind]

When genocide is justified by Peter Burrows 5/23/24 

Random sightings by Peter Burrows

Random sightings by Peter Burrows

I run through a list of 25 to 30 websites virtually every day looking for interesting headlines. I call it my “confirmation bias” list. I usually download and print one or two articles, all of which keeps me busy and off the streets at night and away from, as the old lyrics go, “cigareeets and whuskey and wild, wild women.” Sigh.

I would like to occasionally share a few links with the readers of The Beat. Here’s a sample:

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Latest question from cousin Deb on pay gap

"So now, what's your take on the significant discrepancy between average pay for workers and corporate CEOs?" By Peter Burrows 4/18/24

(Another question asked by Cousin Deb, a retired professor at Cornell University. She has a Ph.D. in Education, which she is valiantly trying to overcome. This is my emailed response.)

The CEO- average worker pay gap? Oh, that's something I worry about all the time. I can barely sleep at night thinking about that terrible, horrible injustice.


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Llink fixed: What do you think about taxing wealthy folks?

“What do you think about taxing wealthy folks?” by Peter Burrows 4/17/24   

(I was recently asked that question by my cousin Deb, who is a retired professor at Cornell University. She has a Ph.D. in Education, which she is valiantly trying to overcome. This is my emailed response.)  

“What do you think about taxing wealthy folks?” Oh, my. That’s a “prod the bear question,” which I’ll try to answer without it shortening my life too much. 

In brief, for as long as I’ve been a reasonably informed voter, at least 55 years, the Democrats have made issues of “taxing the wealthy” and “paying their fair share,” whether it’s from individuals or corporations. 

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Is a Preemptive Strike in the Offing?

“Is a Preemptive Strike in the Offing?” by Peter Burrows 4/12/24 elburropete@gmail,com 

This is a very important read. When Obama said Iran wouldn't use nuclear weapons because it would be against their religion, he was 180° wrong. Here’s a link to the article: 

I'm glad to see that an MSM writer with a following has spelled out this apocalyptic Shia doctrine. Maybe somebody will inform Trump, who’s as clueless as Old Joe.  From the article:  

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Is a Preemptive Strike in the Offing?

“Is a Preemptive Strike in the Offing?” by Peter Burrows 4/12/24 elburropete@gmail,com 

This is a very important read. When Obama said Iran wouldn't use nuclear weapons because it would be against their religion, he was 180° wrong. Here’s a link to the article: 

I'm glad to see that an MSM writer with a following has spelled out this apocalyptic Shia doctrine. Maybe somebody will inform Trump, who’s as clueless as Old Joe.  From the article:  

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The “one issue” voter problem

The “one issue” voter problem By Peter Burrows 4/9/24 

Churchill once famously said, “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” These days, I don’t think it would take that long. I would bet a Don Juan burrito that the average voter can’t name their two senators or who represents them in the House of Representatives, let alone any details about budgets, foreign policy, etc., etc. ad infinitum.  

In defense of the average voter, in a world with so many complex issues, we can’t expect voters to be well-informed about all of them and, in fact, many voters simply don’t have the time or the interest to become well-informed on ANY issue. They look at only one thing when it comes to who they vote for: party affiliation. 

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The moral confusion over "genocide"

 By Peter Burrows  4/4/24

Here's an article by Daniel Jupp, an English author, that should be read by all who sympathize with Hamas or the people of Gaza. 

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