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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Local tourist information and events.
Spread the Love! Did you know all of the businesses (and nonprofit organizations!) in Downtown Silver City are locally owned? Make a purchase downtown and support our community!
Mention “Love Local” to receive the following discounts (participating business hours vary) on Saturday, February 15:
214 N Bullard
10% off
810 N Bullard
15% off
B and D's Place
704 N Bullard
Discounts throughout store
602 N Bullard
Drawing for $50 gift card
Breadbox Bakery (formerly Artisan Mill bakery)
211 N Texas, Suite B
Free mini pastries
217 N Bullard
Chance to win Hickory Farms Gift Basket
103 W Kelly
No-Cost: I-Ching Readings & Feng-Shui Bandaids for Today! 11 am - 4 pm
601 N Bullard
Enter to win lunch for two at Diane's Bakery & Deli
413 N Bullard
10% off, or purchase a Fetch Bar with a Golden Ticket within for 10-20% off. (While supplies last)
Gila Gallery
206 N Bullard
20% off
Grant County Art Guild Gallery
316 N Bullard
Multiple drawings for free art, 10am-5p
306 N Bullard
Free Non-alcoholic cocktails + 25% off
Handmade Beaded and Wire-Wrapped Gifts by Tara O’Neill
306 N Bullard
15% off
207 S Bullard
Storewide Savings up to 70% off
519 N Bullard St
15% off
606 N Bullard
15% off
Little Toad Creek Brewery & Distillery
200 N Bullard
20% off canned cocktails or 20% off dessert
Tasting event of canned cocktails 4-6pm
206 W Broadway
Free gift with purchase of $15 or more
809 N Bullard
33rd Anniversary Sale! Storewide 33% Off! (some exclusions may apply)
505A N Bullard
15% off
208 W Yankie
10% off
Our Paws’ Cause Thrift Shop
703 N Bullard
Spin the wheel and win a prize
601 N Bullard, Suite F
10% off
311 N Bullard
Featuring music by Angelica Padilla
Drawing for Silco Gift Baskets including 2 movie tickets and upcoming Silver City Film Festival Swag 1 - 9, pm presence not required
601 N Bullard, Suite B
20% off everything except chocolate
Silver City MainStreet Project
201 N Hudson
Buy $25.00 MainStreet Gift Certificate and receive a bonus $5.00 Gift Certificate ($50.00 limit, while supplies last)
312 W Broadway
15% off
111 W College
Drawing to win a $25 gift certificate
Soul River Gallery
400 N Bullard
20% off all silver jewelry
409 N Bullard
15% off
500/502 N Bullard
20% off all used items
Vintage Fantasies
412 N Bullard
15% off
❤️ Look for the Red Heart balloons at participating businesses! ❤️
What’s Up Downtown?
TheActrix Studio Presents: The Vagina Monologues
Fundraiser for Silver Regional Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS)
Thursday @ 7 pm
Saturday @ 2 pm
Tickets at silverregionalsass.harnessgiving.org/events
TheActrix Studio at the Silco Theater - MainStreet
311 N Bullard
Virus Theater's The Tempest
Thursday & Friday @ 7:30 pm
Saturday @ 2 pm & 7:30 pm
Sunday @ 2 pm
Virus Theater at El Sol Theater
406 N Bullard
Church of the Singing Heart Presents Carol Markstrom
Friday, 12 - 2 pm
300 N Arizona
FREE Family Matinee sponsored by GRMC Beginning Years Program
Friday @ 1 pm
311 N Bullard
Special Valentine’s Dinner Menus
Friday Evening
Adobe Springs & Little Toad Creek Brewery & Distillery
614 N Bullard & 200 N Bullard
TheActrix Studio Presents: The Vagina Monologues
Special Valentine’s Dinner Show
Fundraiser for Silver Regional Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS)
Friday @ 6:30 pm
Tickets at silverregionalsass.harnessgiving.org/events
TheActrix Studio at Diane’s Parlor
510 N Bullard
Live Music: CW Ayon Duo
Friday, 8 - 11 pm
Little Toad Creek Brewery & Distillery
200 N Bullard
Explore Weave Structures
Friday & Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm
To register email
211 N Texas
New Release: “Paddington in Peru”
Friday & Saturday @ 7 pm
Sunday @ 2 pm
311 N Bullard
❤️ Love Local ❤️
Celebrate our locally owned downtown businesses!
Saturday, participating business hours vary
Historic Downtown Silver City
Silver City Pick It Up — Toss No Más
We ❤️ Silver City Community Litter Cleanup
Saturday, 9 am - 12 pm
Silver City Pick It Up — Toss No Más
Start at Gila Community Foundation Parking Lot
1106 N Pope
Sunny B’s Pop-up Restaurant
Saturday & Sunday, 9 am - 2 pm
Brought to you by Silver Plate Catering
Diane’s Parlor
510 N Bullard
Open Mic
Saturday, 12 - 2 pm
300 N Arizona
Craftaholics Class! Sit & Yarn
Saturday, 1 - 3 pm
Knit/crochet/spin/weave etc. Come hang out with other yarnies! Info at craftaholics.org
208 W Yankie
Saturday, 7 - 10 pm
Town of Silver City Presents: Territorial Charter Day Ball
Murray Hotel
200 W Broadway
Live Music: Gila River Band
Saturday, 8 - 11 pm
Little Toad Creek Brewery & Distillery
200 N Bullard
Church of the Singing Heart Presents John Mitchell & Kathleen Kennedy
Sunday, 12 - 2 pm
300 N Arizona
Craftaholics Class! Vision Journals
Sunday, 11 am - 12 pm
See it. be it. Come explore & create with Abby! Info at craftaholics.org
208 W Yankie
Live Music: Mark Yaxley & Peter Dahl-Bredine
Sunday, 1 - 4 pm
Little Toad Creek Brewery & Distillery
200 N Bullard
Monday Mid-day Matinee “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”
Monday @ 1 pm
311 N Bullard
Baby Time Story Time
Tuesday @ 10 am
Full schedule of classes and events at silvercitypubliclibrary.org
515 W College
FREE Family Matinee sponsored by GRMC Beginning Years Program
“Curious George”
Wednesday @ 2:45 pm
311 N Bullard
Meditation with Jeff Goin
Wednesday, 8:30 - 9 am
300 N Arizona
Bilingual Yoga with Susan
Wednesdays @ 9:30 am
Full schedule of classes and events at lotuscentersc.org
211 W Broadway
Church of the Singing Heart Presents Paul Barsom
Wednesday, 12 - 2 pm
300 N Arizona
The mission of the Silver City MainStreet Project is "to encourage a vibrant, historic downtown Silver City that is recognized as the heart of our diverse community." Visit silvercitymainstreet.com to learn more about Silver City MainStreet's programs and projects.
Drumline Live
Thursday March 6, 2025
7 PM
Fine Arts Center Theatre
DRUMLine Live is an international tour based on the Historically Black College and University (HBCU) marching band tradition. With riveting rhythms, bold beats and ear-grabbing energy, this stage show is a synchronized musical showcase of the HBCU experience.
The Grant County Community Concert Association presents Acoustic Eidolon a guitar and cello/vocal duo on Thursday, February 20th in the WNMU Fine Arts Theater at 7 PM.
These artists/musicians stir emotions in their audiences through the magic and wonder of musical storytelling. Their passion for the music and their technical skill on their instruments pulls the audience into an experience which expresses joy and gratitude for being alive.
Their sound, both current and nostalgic, is genre-bending. Drawing influences from Celtic, Americana, Folk, Rock and Flamenco, it is authentic and passionate. Audiences of all ages and musical tastes consistently rave about this Colorado-based duo.
Individual tickets are $20 and can be purchased in advance at the Pink Store on Bullard, on-line at gcconcerts.org or at the door the night of the concert. Children to age 17 are admitted free of charge.
A special thanks to concert sponsors: WNMU, 1st New Mexico Bank, Kiwanis, Creative West, The National Endowment for the Arts, Western Institute for Lifelong Learning (WILL) and the Silver City Daily Press.
For more information call 575-538-5862 or go to www.gcconcerts.org
The Tempest opens Friday, February 7, 2025 at 7:30pm, with tickets available at the door of the El Sol Theater a half an hour before show time and are $12 for adults and $6 for students. On the night of Thursday, February 13, tickets are by donation.
The Tempest weaves a tale of betrayal, revenge, and redemption set on a mysterious island. Prospero, the exiled Duchess of Milan, has become a powerful magician who conjures up a tempest to shipwreck those who have wronged her in the past. The stranded passengers encounter Ariel a spirit of air and music, and Caliban, a monster with a poetic soul.
Chocolate Fantasia Menu for special event February 7, 2025
Chocolate-Themed Appetizer - Candied Bacon-Wrapped White Figs Stuffed with a dark chocolate cream cheese filling.
Coffee-Inspired Savory Entrée - Smoky Espresso-Rubbed Baseball Cut Steaks Pan-seared and served with root vegetables and red roasted potato wedges. Espresso roast: Abbey Roast.
Coffee and Chocolate Dessert - High-Stacked Layered Tiramisu Homemade dark chocolate ladyfinger cookies
soaked in Abbey Roast coffee, layered with mascarpone cream filling, and topped with cocoa powder.
All meals will be made with decaf if possible.
Special Event Friday Night Community Music Event Featuring the band Baracutanga! This exciting performance is sponsored in part by The Little Toad Creek and MRAC/Chocolate Fantasia
See flyer below
Virus Theater presents a production of William Shakespeare's The Tempest, a production of the Virus Theater Youth Workshop, with huge thanks to Producing Sponsors The Town of Silver City and Frost McGahey
Tickets: $12 adults / $6 students / Thursday Feb.13th by donation
Tickets will be available at the door of El Sol Theater
El Sol Theater, 406 N. Bullard St., Silver City, NM Contact
See poster below
The New Mexico Potters and Clay Artists (NMPCA) announces their annual member show, "Celebration of Clay: Of Mind and Matter," April 4th to April 27th, 2025 at the Light Art Space, 209 West Broadway, Silver City, New Mexico. All are invited to the opening reception on Friday, April 4th, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Regular gallery hours are Thursday thru Saturday 11 am to 5 pm, Sunday 10 am to 2 pm. Closed Monday - Wednesday.
Working from clay to the cosmos,
potters and ceramic artists craft a close personal relationship with their materials and their infinite expressive possibilities. Through works and artist statements, this exhibition explores the relationship between inspiration, process and material.
Grant County Farm and Livestock Bureau is hosting a Home and Garden Expo! We are in need of vendors to set up at the event. It's a 2-day event and the charge is $100/per booth space (roughly 10x10 or 1 table and 2 chairs). If you would like to set up, contact one of the numbers listed on the poster. See below
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