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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Santa Fe, NM — Senate Conservation Committee will be hearing a package of bills that will decimate our state's vital oil & gas industry. The committee will be presented with four bills, first on the agenda is SB 4. This measure, if passed, would further disrupt our state's vital industries– especially oil and gas production– by tracking and limiting the emissions of virtually all activity in New Mexico. In response, the Republican Ranking Member, Senator Candy Ezzell, has issued the following statement:
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, JANUARY 14—The Republican Party of New Mexico is outraged by the recent vote of New Mexico's Democrat Representatives, who chose to abandon the rights and protections of women and girls by voting against the H.R. 28 - Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025. Today, Congress passed this critical legislation, which amends the 1972 Education Amendments to reinforce that Title IX in sports recognizes a person's sex based only on their birth biology and genetics.
With a narrow vote of 218-206, only two Democrats supported this vital legislation, while all three New Mexico Democrat Representatives—Melanie Stansbury (CD 1), Gabe Vasquez (CD 2), and Teresa Leger Fernandez (CD 3)—turned their backs on our state's female athletes and their safety.
NM Counties provides information on a ballot initiative giving counties the same
authority Cities have in setting salaries for elected officials
Local Compensation Act – Amendment 4 – provides county government with the freedom to set salaries
See pdf below
ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 14—This afternoon, Republican senatorial candidate Nella Domenici and Democrat incumbent Martin Heinrich sparred off in a televised debate on KOAT-TV. The questions touched on a variety of topics, including inflation and spending, drug overdoses, limits on late-term abortions, the border and immigration, education, and energy.
Nella Domenici began her opening statements by giving Senator Heinrich an F on his performance, and in her closing statement, she hammered the reality home for many New Mexicans.
ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 11—Democrats Senator Martin Heinrich and Representative Gabe Vasquez support extreme green energy policies that threaten America's energy independence. Their opposition to domestic oil and gas production, including their stance against drilling in New Mexico, could dangerously make the country reliant on foreign oil from hostile nations such as Russia and Venezuela. For instance, their support for the Green New Deal, which aims to transition to 100% renewable energy, could lead to increased reliance on energy imports from adversaries who control the global energy market, putting America's energy security at risk.
Leadership calls on him to step down from the race immediately.
ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 10—Democrat Rep. Gabe Vasquez's past run-ins with the law continue to come back to haunt him. Today, another shocking article exposes a disturbing police report detailing that Representative Vasquez threatened to murder and bury someone.
The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce issued the following statement:
ALBUQUERQUE, OCTOBER 9—Democrat Senator Martin Heinrich's unwavering support for Kamala Harris's radical environmental agenda, which includes an anti-fracking stance, risks the livelihoods of thousands of New Mexico's hardworking families.
Heinrich's alliance with fellow Democrat Rep. Gabe Vasquez, who also backs extreme environmental policies, is part of a radical movement to prioritize ideology over real New Mexico jobs. Their policies that would ban fracking would eliminate more than an estimated 140,000 jobs in New Mexico's energy industry.
SANTA FE—Following the vice presidential debate between Senator JD Vance (R-OH) and Governor Tim Walz (D-MN), Senate Republican Leader, Senator Greg Baca (R-Belen) has issued the following statement in response:
"Tonight, Senator JD Vance was the clear victor in the debate versus Governor Tim Walz. Senator Vance laid out an eloquent and concise path to prosperity for our country.
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