[{{{type}}}] {{{reason}}}
{{#_source.additionalInfo}}{{#_source.additionalFields}} {{#title}} {{{label}}}: {{{title}}} {{/title}} {{/_source.additionalFields}}
{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This page posts classified ads that readers send to-?
NEW 2023 -?price is s a flat rate of $15 plus gross receipts tax for a classified up to 8 days or $45 plus GRT for a month.
The Beat sends the advertiser an email invoice for payment by check by mail or by credit card through PayPal.-?
Please send the name of the item for sale, price, with a brief description, and up to two photos per ad. Please tell us how long you want the ad to run and send to
Serious inquires only. I've had it for close to 30 years. I have 2 other vehicles I've done most of the work on them, also. Can't keep up anymore. So, one has to go. Too much to list here. interested ? Send email to raymon_
Orden administrativa por mutuo consentimiento de Chino
Departamento de Medioambiente de Nuevo México
Freeport-McMoRan Chino Mines Company
El Grupo de trabajo comunitario (Community Work Group, CWG) es un panel de miembros de la comunidad interesados en proporcionar recomendaciones informadas sobre las decisiones realizadas conforme a la Orden administrativa por mutuo consentimiento (Administrative Order on Consent, AOC) de Chino. La AOC es un acuerdo voluntario pero vinculante entre el Departamento de Medioambiente de Nuevo México (New Mexico Environment Department, NMED) y Freeport-McMoRan Chino Mines Company (Chino) para evaluar y, de ser necesario, remediar, los posibles efectos en el medioambiente y la salud de las actividades mineras del pasado en las áreas alrededor de la mina Chino que se muestran a continuación:
Chino Administrative Order on Consent
New Mexico Environment Department
Freeport-McMoRan Chino Mines Company
The Community Work Group (CWG) is a panel of community members interested in providing informed recommendations to decisions made under the Chino Administrative Order on Consent (AOC). The AOC is a voluntary, yet binding agreement between the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) and Freeport-McMoRan Chino Mines Company (Chino) to evaluate potential health and environmental effects from past mining activities in the following areas around the Chino Mine, and if necessary, remediate those areas:
I'm offering my late husband's Yamaha Piano to any music enthusiast who may appreciate it. If you or someone you know might be interested in receiving this instrument for free, please feel free to reach out to me.
Contact Gina at
More photos below:
More photos below:
The equipment, all of which is operable, includes:
Canon XT digital camera DS 126071
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It has come to this editor's attention that people are sending information to the Grant County Beat Facebook page. Please be aware that the editor does not regularly monitor the page. If you have items you want to send to the editor, please send them to editor@grantcountybeat.com. Thanks!
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