Legislation would close loophole to keep guns out of the wrong hands

Santa Fe, NM - An important community safety bill will now head to the House Floor, after unanimously passing the House Judiciary Committee today. House Bill 306 would make it a fourth-degree felony to knowingly purchase a firearm for another person who cannot lawfully own it or intends to use it for a crime. 

"Far too much of the gun violence in our state can be attributed to those who have no business owning firearms in the first place," said Rep. Raymundo Lara (D-Chamberino). "Closing the current straw purchase loophole will help us keep guns out of the wrong hands and reduce violent crime by targeting those who enable criminals." 

HB 306 is sponsored by Reps. T. Ryan Lane (R-Aztec), Lara, and Andrea Reeb (R-Clovis).Â