girlscoutsfeb1Left to right, front row: Ramona Trujillo, Sophia Rodriguez, Kamera Ortiz, Karina Cabrera, Eva Montes , Trinity McBride. Back row: Gabby Arciero, Marissa Garza, Nevaeh Cabrera, Shavelle Ortiz, Raygan Salcedo, Kaileen Maynes, Lucy Montenegro, and Kayhine HarpeLast night the Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest, Annette Toney local Membership Manager, and troop 54370 from the mining district worked on badges for financial literacy. The Daisys (Kindergarten and 1st grade) worked on "Money Counts." They had to guess how much money was in a small paper cup then actually sort and count and realized they did some pretty good guessing. Brownies (2nd and 3rd graders) worked on "Meet My Customers," and had to practice handling money. Juniors (4th and 5th graders) worked on "Savvy Shopper," where they had to do some shopping with the help of local sale flyers. Cadettes (6th-8th graders) worked on a badge called "Business Plan". They also helped younger girls with a group project, planning a meal for their families using the sale papers to see what they might pay for a meal. Two weeks ago the Cadettes also worked on steps towards their "Public Speaking Badge". At the end of the meeting girls were all given new t-shirts provided with funding from PNM's Innovation Grant.

For more information on Girl Scouts Call Annette Toney at 538-2481