Crystal BrownStudio time w/ Crystal Foreman Brown

Thursday, June 8 - Every 2nd Thursday of the month, 10 a.m. - 12 & 1:30-4 p.m., upstairs at Leyba & Ingalls ARTS. Participants should bring their paints and subject matter, and be prepared to work. Includes demos, instruction, and critiques.

Fee: $60.00 for materials separate. Must pre-register!

upstairs at Leyba & Ingalls ARTS

Plein Aire Painting with Chris Alvarez

Pleine Aire 6 1 17July 21st -23rd Cost: $325.

Explore the unique country of Grant County, New Mexico with nationally known artist, Chris Alvarez. Learn more about the beauty of your surrounding through plein aire painting. Chris will help you overcome the challenges of outdoor painting and guide the process during this 3 days

Course objects include:
â—‹ Composition
â—‹ Value & Temperature
â—‹ Draftsmanship
â—‹ Brushwork and Color Mixing
â—‹ Palette Organization

Join Chris for this practical and inspiring workshop. Learn to record what you see.

Supply list:
1. Outdoor easel

2. Palette 11"x14" or larger

3. Palette knife

4. Brushes, I prefer flats #4-#6

5. Rags or paper towels

6. Solvent, odorless mineral spirits

7. Suggested palette

  1. titanium white
  2. cad lemon
  3. cad yellow
  4. cad orange
  5. cad red lt.
  6. alizarin crimson
  7. ultramarine blue
  8. ivory black
  9. burnt sienna
  10. Yellow ochre

8. Hat

9. Sunscreen

10. Water