ALBUQUERQUE – Reports last week revealed Albuquerque mayoral candidate Tim Keller engaged in a shameful and likely illegal campaign finance scam in which he funneled thousands of dollars in contributions through his campaign consultant. Keller, the State Auditor who helped write New Mexico's campaign finance laws, accepted taxpayer funding for his campaign, thereby prohibiting him from accepting cash contributions. Keller's end-around likely violates the very laws the he helped to author.

Now it appears other Democrats are following Keller's campaign finance scam template. New reports show Democrat city council candidate Cynthia Borrego, who also accepted public financing for her campaign, used the same "in-kind" notation to funnel cash contributions through her political consultant. As a result, the Republican Party of New Mexico has filed a new complaint with the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and the Albuquerque City Clerk, asking for action to be taken against Borrego' campaign for this infraction.

"Tim Keller appears to be setting an example for his fellow Democrats who also seem to be exploiting the taxpayer-funded campaign finance program," said RPNM spokesman Dominic Pacheco. "This money-funneling scam shouldn't be an example for other candidates to follow and should be stopped immediately. The Attorney General, Secretary of State, and City Clerk all need to take action now to stop these potentially illegal and highly unethical actions."

KOB Looks at Rules After Manager for Publicly Financed Keller Campaign Solicits Monetary Donations

Complaints Made Against Keller Campaign

Albuquerque Mayor Hopeful Under Scrutiny Over ‘In-Kind' Cash

GOP Seeks Keller Campaign Investigation