Cleveland, OH - Our next president, Donald J. Trump, gave a compelling and powerful speech last night in Cleveland, officially accepting the presidential nomination. Earlier in the evening, NM Delegate and staunch Trump supporter Dr. Lisa Shin gave a rousing speech making the case for voting for Trump and defeating Hillary Clinton.

The New Mexico Delegation started their day at an event sponsored by Pfizer at the Pro Football Hall of Fame, providing an opportunity to tour the facility featuring iconic football stars and memorabilia. As the week of excitement for our New Mexico Delegation in Cleveland comes to a close with Donald Trump's acceptance speech, the delegation returns home with a renewed understanding of the importance of this election.

"We are so proud that Dr. Shin had the opportunity to address the convention floor and share her story and support for our nominee. Her energy reflects well upon our entire delegation and her enthusiasm speaks to how New Mexicans of all backgrounds support Donald Trump," said Chairman Maestas. "In his speech tonight, Donald Trump laid out a comprehensive plan for a brighter future in which the interests of America come first, the voices of working Americans are listened to, and safety and security are top priorities of our elected leaders. This is a message that will not only win in November, it will provide a voice to millions who have felt marginalized by Hillary Clinton's support for a stagnant status quo."

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