CDTC Presents: Cam GÇ£SwamiGÇ¥ Honan's 12 Long Walks!

Just your average GÇ£blokeGÇ¥ from Australia, Cam GÇ£SwamiGÇ¥ Honan,
will share stories from walking all of North America's 12 Long Walks.
His walks include the AT, PCT, and CDT but also a few other GÇ£routesGÇ¥
and a few walks he created himself. So be prepared for a night of story
telling, inspiration, and all around great information about hiking,
walking, and experiencing amazing places in and around North America by
foot. The presentation will include an overview of Cam's 18 month
hiking trip through the wilds of North America. 12 walks, 14,302 miles,
30 US states, 4 Canadian Provinces, and 28 pairs of shoes. The
presentation includes a slideshow consisting of photos, trip statistics,
and anecdotes about the adventure. Following the talk will be a Q & A
Session. Come join us for a wonderful evening.

About Cam Honan: Hailing from Australia, Swami's longest hiking
journey took place right here in North America. Between July 2, 2011 and
Decemeber 28, 2012, he completed an incredible trip which he simply
called the 12 Long WalksGÇ¥. Consisting of a dozen consecutive long
distance hikes and totaling some 14,302 miles over 18 months, Swami
destroyed a whopping 28 pairs of shoes and consumed 123.7 lbs of
dehydrated beans. Along the way , Swami set records for the completion
of a calendar year Triple Crown (PCT, AT, and CDT in 236 days) and
distance covered in a calendar year (10,204 miles in 2012). Learn more
about Cam at his website: [1].

The event is free and will start at Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 7:00 pm
at the Seedboat Gallery Performance Space.